Any takers? JW apologists or anyone, convince us why you are sure that Jesus appointed the Watchtower Society in 1919 using the Bible alone.
Challenge for JW's - how do you arrive at 1919 using the Bible alone?
by yadda yadda 2 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
All I hear is the sound of crickets, and I see tumbleweed rolling by.............. may be a long wait.
Room 215
Four words (three if you count one word used twice)... You don't; you can't...
St George of England
EVIDENTLY Jehovah open the prison doors in 1919 and 8 guys walked free!!
What more do you want?
That sounds like the spiel an Elder gave me "The proof for the 1919 choosing is enough for me".
Phizzy "What proof ?"
I am stilll waiting for an answer, 4 years and counting.
Amelia Ashton
*** km 2/94 p. 6 par. 19 How Beneficial to Recount What Jehovah Has Done! ***
19 See the Opportunities Open to You: As you read and discuss Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, you will find unfolding to your view the grand fulfillment of Isaiah 60:22The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time.”
The book states on page 519: “Fulfillment of the promise that ‘the little one would become a thousand’ has surely come to pass, and abundantly so! In each of more than 50 lands where there was not even a ‘little one’—where there were none of Jehovah’s Witnesses back in 1919, where they had done no preaching at all—there are today more than a thousand praisers of Jehovah. In some of these lands, there are now tens of thousands, yes, even more than a hundred thousand, of Jehovah’s Witnesses who are zealous proclaimers of the Kingdom of God! Worldwide, Jehovah’s Witnesses have become ‘a mighty nation
Best I could find. There was another one in Ezekiel, something about sticks but it really was like clutching at straws.
Ugh. It's truly depressing, because, there really is no proof.
This was a biggie for me. Whenever we would go over it at the meetings,I would get this nagging feeling,that something wasn't right here. How did they pick 1919 or any of their dates for that matter. It's amazing after many centuries it all boils down to 1919,hmmm.
Bump, just in case a JW would like to explain this teaching.
If you are a JW you really should you know, because if the claim of the 1919 choosing is not correct, then the present day Governing Body has no legitamacy, no authority, no right to the life-style they have taken for themselves, they are frauds.
" Jesus appointed the Watchtower Society in 1919 "
First you start by stating where you got this from? Where does this idea come from in that you posted it?
But the reason that 1919 has been significant in organization history is that, that is when the Cedar Point assembly of advertise the king and the kingdom was. That was the sign that they left Babylon the great.
Does it need to be in the Bible?