I have collected a few at Watchtower Rhetorical Fallacies. There are some good ones that have been raised on this thread that I will add to that page.
Logical Fallacies in WT Publications
by Oubliette 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
w11 8/15 pp 3-5 :
Do not become an “Internet Eve.” Be critical and suspicious of the information. Before trusting it, ask: (1) Who published this material? What are the author’s credentials? (2) Why was this published? What motivated the writer? Is there any bias? (3) Where did the author get the information? Does he supply sources that can be checked? (4) Is the information current?
The irony is, if the Witnesses applied this same technique to ANYTHING the WT has written, the WT failsmiserably.
Terry Excellent post...this is what helps me think in the correct direction...thanks
Terry, that is a good example. I haven't seen "forced concept" as a common term for rhetorical fallacy. Is there a specific fallacy this falls under, or is it simply a misapplied quote?
This is my 2 penneth on WT 1983 4/1
"Some (weasel word) who once served (implying they no longer wish to be of help to others) as Jehovah’s Witnesses have rejected (negative word) various Scriptural views (what specifically? Why not explain?) based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles (for this substitute WBT$ - this is an example of ‘appeal to authority’) . For instance, they insist (how many out of 100?) that we are not living in the “last days,” despite overwhelming evidence (hasty overgeneralization with no evidence. Sadly the evidence the WBT$ gives is UNDERwhelming and full of false predictions) that we are. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) (carry on reading from vs 6 to 7 for a description of the WBT$) These apostates (loaded language) ‘have gone out from us because they were not of our sort.’ (1 John 2:18, 19) (appeal to authority to prove a hasy overgeneralization without fully analyzing the specific reasons) Hence, they no longer have fellowship with loyal anointed witnesses of Jehovah and their companions, (appeal to authority, appeal to fear) and therefore these self-seeking heretics (ad hominem) have no “sharing” with the Father and the Son, (appeal to authority, appeal to fear) no matter how much they may boast (ad hominem, straw man) of having intimacy with God and Christ. Instead, they are in spiritual darkness. (1 John 1:3, 6) (appeal to authority, appeal to fear) Lovers of light and truth must take a firm stand against these promoters of false teaching. (The Us vs: Them ‘preacher’s ‘’we’’’, hasty overgeneralization, ad hominem) In no way do loyal (implying you are bad if you do not agree) witnesses of Jehovah (appeal to authority, appeal to fear) want to be accomplices (appeal to fear implying criminal activity) in the “wicked deeds” (ad hominem) of such unfaithful (ad hominem) persons by supporting their ungodly (ad hominem) words and activities in any manner. Rather, may we “put up a hard fight for the faith that was once for all time delivered to the holy ones.”—Jude 3, 4, 19." (A big ‘straw man’ paragraph loaded with propaganda stunts – another guilt, fear, phobia trip with ‘Us vs: Them’ to galvanize the rank and file against an imaginary enemy)
I don’t have much to contribute here but I wanted to address this false reasoning from WTS doctrine. It concerns placing restrictions on persons who have been reinstated: no verbal participation in meetings, offering prayer, pioneering, etc. The reinstated person can only attend meetings and participate in the field service until the elders decide to restore the other “privileges.” I don’t have the relevant publications with me and so can only reference from memory.
The argument put forward was that reinstated people were still “spiritually weak” and so were incapable of fully participating in the Witness community. They “obviously” needed time to regain their strength and it was the job of the elders to “lovingly” oversee their continued spiritual recovery and progress. I will also add that not a single scripture was referenced or quoted in justifying the imposing of restrictions on these people. Furthermore, the term of these restrictions is left entirely to the elders to determine, again without any kind of biblical support for granting them this power. Instead, the WTS justifies the policy with the use of phrases as “it is obvious” and “it seems logical to believe.”
The argument seems to go this way. You were disfellowshipped because of a deep spiritual flaw or weakness. But you were reinstated because you exhibited true repentance. Nevertheless, since you were disfellowshipped because of spiritual weakness, the discipline meted out wasn’t enough and further restrictions are necessary to recover your spiritual health. This seems to me to be an example of a post hoc, ergo propter hoc argument. The Latin phrase can be translated as “after this, therefore because of this.”
I also liked Terry’s refutation of the mentally diseased analogy used against WTS dissidents. Mental diseases are not contagious, and contact with those mentally ill will not result in contracting their disease. But the WTS is playing on the fear the word “disease” will arouse to coerce its followers to shun any and all who disagree with the cult and its leaders.
biometrics just started an excellent thread on one of the most common logical fallacies used by the WTBTS:
Anyone interested in this subject, and every JW and ex-JW should be, will want to check it out!
Do not become an “Internet Eve.” Be critical and suspicious of the information. Before trusting it, ask: (1) Who published this material? What are the author’s credentials? (2) Why was this published? What motivated the writer? Is there any bias? (3) Where did the author get the information? Does he supply sources that can be checked? (4) Is the information current?
Check out number 3. When is the last time you saw a source quoted in the WT?? Saying, " One physician says....", is NOT giving a source.
I think we should fire this thread up, especially since the GB are descending further into madness.