BOE Letter: Kingdom News No. 38

by pixel 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82
    been all excitipated.

    But would you have been happified?

  • Poztate

    I can smell another 30 hr pioneer month coming up

  • tiki

    wow............that is especially................predictable...........................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....with outlaw on this one......

    do the r&f really get all gaga about this sort of thing.....really????

  • jamiebowers

    LOL, NeonMadman! I loved he Church Lady!!!!!!

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Let me guess will it be a hard hitting annoumcement that warns "The End Is Near " ? And will there be blurbs along the side stating how critical the conditions of the world have now become ? SO SPECIAL .....not

  • alecholmesthedetective

    Will it be called something like...

    The End is...Nearer



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Perhaps this tract will be entitled "The End of False Religion is Closer Than the Inside of Your Pants!"

  • bsmart

    My memory is not so great, but about 40 odd years ago there were 2 special campaigns a year... I was a teenager and remember the magazines were "special". NOT!

  • WTWizard

    These things are a complete waste of everyone's time. You stop everything you are doing and refresh territories. "Do Not Call" is disregarded for these idiotic campaigns, and everyone gets a waste of paper regardless. They also disregard people that were reached just yesterday and were not interested then. And those numbers are getting up there--how long before people realize that there is an upper limit on how many NR's there can be about imminent destruction before the whole thing becomes another false alarm.

    And, some of those NR's can get thrown in your face. I remember the NR35 campaign where we were supposed to boast about joke-hova loving us. That Scumbag never gave a fxxx about anything but making me miserable--and then they have the nerve to want me to place ads about its LOVE? Then, when joke-hova deliberately hurt me, they could reference that waste of paper and insist that I believe the waste of paper instead of reality so I could place more of them? And the LIE-ble is no proof that joke-hova loves us--if anything, it shows how joke-hova wishes enslavement for us. In fact, it was SATAN that cared enough for us to actually do something to freeing mankind to be all we can, and joke-hova fought to the death against it.

    Here's to the worst of rotten luck for those who would place them. Such as a major blizzard hampering the distribution and delivery of the wastes of paper (and hopefully the majority of them getting all soaking wet in storage). People not wishing to pay 900 toilet papers a liter for gas to deliver them. People that would rather prepare by buying gold, silver, batteries, and flashlights (and LED light bulbs) in advance for the energy crisis and hyperinflation (if it isn't already too late) instead of wasting money on gas to distribute these wastes of paper. People spending more time in dead time than actually placing anything. Sloppy weather so people cannot get out in field circus. I just hope they have such bad luck in getting the territories done that most of them simply sit there at the warehouses or a$$embly hells not getting picked up, or get soaking wet and ruined.

  • Pistoff


    VERSION 38


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