BOE Letter: Kingdom News No. 38

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  • wannabefree

    This religion is a JOKE ... but not funny at all.

    Kingdom News

    1973 #16 "Is Time Running Out for Mankind?"

    Massive Famine Hitting Millions
    Crime Spreads, Becomes More Violent
    Sickness and Pollution-Growing Threats to Your Life
    Can Men Solve Such Urgent Problems?
    Why We Know That Time Is Running Out
    You Can Be Happy That So Little Time Is Left

    1982 #32 "Are We Nearing Armageddon?"

    ARMAGEDDON-Not a Reason to Fear, but to Hope!
    How can you be confident that a better world is near?

    2006 #37 "A Worldwide Message - The End of False Religion Is Near!"

  • exwhyzee

    I remember as a kid around 1974 distributing kingdom news number three. They told us this third tract was a final warning to the world and likened it to the third time Joshua marched around Jerico before the final blast of the horns was sounded and brought the walls down. We loved doing this work because you didn't have to talk, in fact it was such an urgent message, we were told not to engage anyone in discussion but scurry to the next door and get the message out quickly. There was a fervor in the message back then that hasn't been seen since.

  • wannabefree
    I remember as a kid around 1974 distributing kingdom news number three.

    Perhaps it was third in a series?

    I was only 9 years old and not a JW, so I wondered what it must have been like with those KN's knowing how they perceived 1975.

    Kingdom News No. 16 (1973)
    Is Time Running Out for Mankind?

    Kingdom News No. 17 (1973)
    Has Religion Betrayed God and Man?

    Kingdom News No. 18 (1974)
    Government by God, Are You for It-Or Against It?

    Kingdom News No. 19 (1974)
    Is This All There Is to Life?

    Kingdom News No. 20 (1975)
    Would You Welcome Some Good News?

    Kingdom News No. 21 (1975)
    Your Future-Shaky? Or Secure?

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Does anyone have a pdf copy of this Kingdom News #38?

  • sir82

    You can download your very own special PDF copy of this very special message by especially visiting the special front page of the especially special website known as

    This is especially good news for the special!

  • DesirousOfChange


    VERSION 38



    CORRECTION: "The End Is Very, Very Near!"


  • anonymouz

    True, it can end any day now brothers! For Bethel that is. The world system still has to globalize a financial and monetary solution before any true governmental globalization can occur with the culminating period of that financial globalization process. (Dan11:42-43).

    And obviously, even a budding high school geo-political and gloalization theory hobbyist would realize that will take a number of years, and some quite daunting national world challenges to even actually found an actually functional world government beyond UN schematic function and global scope of implementation for real.

    Not that it is impossible, but requires a decade or so to accomplish with the proper set of world events to accelerate the process, obviously already set up in national bankruptcies of sovereign scale at magnitudes unheard of in even the year 2000. The national powers gloally will have to have voluntarily given their former autonomous sovereignty to globalization authorities (Rev17:12-18), and that still would not be "the end".

    Thus in reality "it can BEGIN any day now brothers!". And it will take several years to culminate to the obvious global geo-political reality it is naturally evolving towards. Since Bethel is probably deeply tied into the national potential derivatives domino effect (and other inter-related potential financial developments), it is truly Bethel that is in more danger of ending financially and organizationally than the world system at large, as a multi-national complex that will be recovered in a globalized financial solution, because that is now the only recourse once the money printing and debt expansion smokescreen gets blown away (by whatever wind) for the real picture it is covering up at global scale.

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