True, it can end any day now brothers! For Bethel that is. The world system still has to globalize a financial and monetary solution before any true governmental globalization can occur with the culminating period of that financial globalization process. (Dan11:42-43).
And obviously, even a budding high school geo-political and gloalization theory hobbyist would realize that will take a number of years, and some quite daunting national world challenges to even actually found an actually functional world government beyond UN schematic function and global scope of implementation for real.
Not that it is impossible, but requires a decade or so to accomplish with the proper set of world events to accelerate the process, obviously already set up in national bankruptcies of sovereign scale at magnitudes unheard of in even the year 2000. The national powers gloally will have to have voluntarily given their former autonomous sovereignty to globalization authorities (Rev17:12-18), and that still would not be "the end".
Thus in reality "it can BEGIN any day now brothers!". And it will take several years to culminate to the obvious global geo-political reality it is naturally evolving towards. Since Bethel is probably deeply tied into the national potential derivatives domino effect (and other inter-related potential financial developments), it is truly Bethel that is in more danger of ending financially and organizationally than the world system at large, as a multi-national complex that will be recovered in a globalized financial solution, because that is now the only recourse once the money printing and debt expansion smokescreen gets blown away (by whatever wind) for the real picture it is covering up at global scale.