MAJOR-Revelation Climak book critiqued

by Refriedtruth 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Refriedtruth

    This is a major find and holding top ranked will get tens of thousands of hits

    Get your licks in comments and vote up the good guys

    10 Observations About Jehovah's Witnesses and the Book of ...

    Huffington Post - It is argued repeatedly that only Jehovah's Witnesses are truly faithful to God and so they are uniquely situated to understand the contents of ...

  • Refriedtruth

    My personal fav comment so far:

    Chiptoss said-Many who are familiar with this book call it the Revelation ClimaXXX Spiritual Pornography Book. It earns this name because it is written by the governing body, the men who lead the sect, and it has example after example making the case that of all the millions of people on earth carrying forth the Christian message, only they are good enough to represent Jehovah on earth. They alternately slander Christians for their shortcomings, and boast about their own organizational accomplishments. They appear to be oblivious to the fact that anyone besides themselves have ever carried the gospel message to people.

    The book was originally published in 1988, and was so poorly written that within a couple of years the Watchtower was printing and sending out pages of text that were to be cut up and pasted over the discredited passages of text. Finally they published a revised edition in 2006 that incorporated these corrections. Although the Watchtower asserts in the book that the UN is the satanic wild beast of Revelation, they had no problem joining the UN as an associate member NGO in 1992, and dissolved their membership when they were outed by the UK Guardian in October 2001.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    and was so poorly written that within a couple of years the Watchtower was printing and sending out pages of text that were to be cut up and pasted over the discredited passages of text.

    I doubt that is correct. If you want to make an impression on a JW you have to be honest and accurate in every detail as any mistake will be used against you.

    I am aware of a patch up job that resembles this accusation, but that is nearly two decades later, in 2006, and that is not a "couple of years".

  • Refriedtruth

    Many get the details wrong on Jehovah's Witnesses dogmas and practices,and it's their own fault for making so many 'new light' esoteric changes and flip-flops.

    Ray Franz in COC wrote about the JW 'great paradox of preaching'.It is a paradox that JW claim to be the evangelizers of the world,yet practically nobody knows their teachings.Only the negatives like they don't take blood.don't salute the flag.don't go to war.

    The 1914 date for Jesus return second coming is a major refutation that most JW apologist won't touch or will deny and lie about it.

    So,the JW defenders are ignoring the facts anyhow and many many post are SHILL where they will lie and say they aren't a JW but go and bash apostates and defend the Watchtower.

    They are a true fraud for God cult.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    " This paralleling of the movement's history and Revelation continues with the commentary's explanation of the seven trumpets that refer to seven Watch Tower conventions held between 1922 and 1928. There is an insert with the heading "Highlights of Jehovah's Trumpetlike Judgment Proclamations" (173). Very specific links are made between these conventions and this part of John's vision. For example: "When the sounding of the seven trumpets got under way in 1922, the Bible Students' convention at Cedar Point, Ohio, featured a talk by the president of the Watch Tower Society, J. F. Rutherford ... The trumpet blast of the seventh angel was reflected in highlights of the Bible Students' convention in Detroit, Michigan, July 30-August 6, 1928" (172)."

    If my mind wasn't so addled by depression and exhaustion when we studied this book in 2007 or whenever, I would have lol'd so hard at this crackpottery and might have woken up earlier...

  • Refriedtruth

    All the prophetic stuff in da book has 1914 for start of ground zero entire chapters are wraped around 1914 the false date,so the entire book is bogus trash.

    Just to think the Watchtower had the gall to 'revise' it a least twice.


    Edit- Authoritative ewatchman aka Robert King has multiple comments adding to the confusion

  • transhuman68

    LOL, you'll probably get 10 pages on this thread- the Rev Climax book is a scream! Anyone opening the book and seeing the illustrations inside the front cover would say "It's a cult!".

  • Chaserious

    This book was a lot better than most of the other book study books for drawing in when you are a JW kid. I got in trouble for giving John some tats in the picture of him in shackles, as well as I think a flag on his head. And that was before you even get to the wild beasts, two horned beasts, and harlots. The cut and paste inserts did take a while, but wasn't that just because they finally got too lazy/cheap to make a 4th edition within 20 years of release?

    And Julia, that is so true, the trumpet blasts representing WT conventions in the US is so bizarre, yet you never think of it when you're in. Can trumpet blasts include false information, like "Millions Now Living Will Never Die"? Does anyone know if that is still the current teaching about the trumpet blasts?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Imagine when the reviewer finds out he might as well chuck "Climax" into the recycling bin: after we see the "new light" in print in the July 2013 mag, that book may as well never been written. . .

  • Refriedtruth

    Detox Joe Rutherford imprisonment fufilling the two witnesses vision is what gets to me

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