this is one of the few JW books i kept after my purge of all things watchtower. its just so out there and crazy, i had to keep it. lol
MAJOR-Revelation Climak book critiqued
by Refriedtruth 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Theocratic Sedition
I swear the comments section of online articles from any website are always better than the actual article. Check out this comment by one of the active JWs.
"I enjoyed reading your interesting post. I won't reply to the opinions stated in the article, I do want to quickly address a few facts. First the statement "few nonmembers ever see this book because of the organization's reclusive nature" is probably not correct. I have 'placed' a few 'Revelation' books over the years, and I can assume from the activities of my fellow 'JW's' that they have also. That is a lot of books put into the public at large. It would be better to assume that many people do not see this book because the tell us they aren't interested in what we teach.Next is " the church's supposed substitution of the terms Lord and God for Jehovah." It is the word 'supposed' that is incorrect here. Dig a little deeper and I mean a very little and you will find this is fact. The 'Divine Name' represented by the transliterated letters YHWH is replaced with 'LORD' and 'GOD' in most Bibles. They usually give the reason for this in the forward of the Bible translation. Examples of Bible which do not do this are the Jerusalem Bible, J.P. Green's Interlinear Translation and The American Standard Version.
The last is your assumption that JW's are opposed to 'art'. This is not the case. We prefer to remove religious iconography and what the Bible refers to as immoral from what we allow ourselves to enjoy. Ostentatiousness is avoided also, but we do not practice asceticism."I don't know one JW, that knows twenty other JWs that ever placed Revelation books out in field service. How is anybody or even a group of of people going to place a bunch of Revelation books with the public when most JWs hated going over the book when it was used for the Book Study? We went over that book, what two or three times? At least two that I can recall, and we hated it. Awful book. Looking back I think the book was so awful because even though we were indoctrinated, are brain's natural response to bull shit was that something smells.
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Chaserious I was asking myself the same thing, and alas here's is what I found...
*** w09 1/15 p. 32 Highlights From the Book of Revelation—I ***
8:1-5—Why did a silence occur in heaven, and what was subsequently hurled to the earth? A symbolic silence occurred in heaven so that “the prayers of the holy ones” on earth could be heard. This was at the end of the first world war. Anointed Christians did not ascend to heaven at the end of the Gentile Times, as many had expected they would. They experienced difficult times during the war. So now they prayed fervently for guidance. In response to their prayers, the angel hurled to the earth a symbolic fire that set the anointed Christians afire spiritually. Though few in number, they began a worldwide preaching campaign that made God’s Kingdom a burning issue, thus lighting a fire in Christendom. Thunderous warnings from the Bible were sounded forth, flashes of Scriptural truth were made known, and the realm of false religion was shaken to its foundation, just as buildings are shaken by an earthquake.
8:6-12; 9:1, 13; 11:15—When did the seven angels prepare to blow their trumpets, and when and how were the trumpet blasts sounded? Preparation to blow the seven trumpets included giving direction to the revitalized members of the John class on earth from 1919 to 1922. Such anointed ones were then getting busy in reorganizing the public ministry and building up publishing facilities. (Rev. 12:13, 14) The sounding of the trumpets represents fearless proclamations of Jehovah’s judgments against Satan’s world by God’s people in cooperation with the angels. Notably, this began with the Cedar Point, Ohio, convention in 1922 and lasts all the way down to the great tribulation.
Like Punk of Nice/Paul said in another thread, this is vomit-inducing nonsense. I keep thinking that if John really wrote Revelation whilst imprisoned in Patmos, he must have been under the effect of the most powerful mushrooms he could possibly find there. Reminds me of the scene in The Hobbit where Saruman says Radagast is a foolish fellow. Also, reminds of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, the only difference we can know who Joseph Smith was, whereas the bible writers.... Alec -
cha ching
*** w09 1/15 p. 32 Highlights From the Book of Revelation—I ***
8:1-5—Why did a silence occur in heaven, and what was subsequently hurled to the earth? A symbolic silence occurred in heaven so that “the prayers of the holy ones” on earth could be heard. This was at the end of the first world war. Anointed Christians did not ascend to heaven at the end of the Gentile Times, as many had expected they would.
... hidden in plain sight, hmm? Yep, they thought they were all going to heaven in 1914.. the "end of the Gentile Times." (let's not forget to capitalize the "GT")
"They experienced difficult times during the war. So now they prayed fervently for guidance. In response to their prayers, the angel hurled...."
Yep, angels were probably pretty sick at this..... I guess Rutherford wasn't a good judge of which angels were repentant & which were not, and he spoke to the wrong ones. "1925 was "not a more sure date than 1914 for Armageddon!"
Good one alecholmesthedetective and cha ching. So they are saying that John predicted many many years ago that Russell and Co. would have some misundertandings about 1914 and they been taken to heaven. Ok then...
"flashes of Scriptural truth" - How I hate this expression.
Keep the comments and votes coming .....
My personal fav comment so far:
Chiptoss said-Many who are familiar with this book call it the Revelation ClimaXXX Spiritual Pornography Book. It earns this name because it is written by the governing body, the men who lead the sect, and it has example after example making the case that of all the millions of people on earth carrying forth the Christian message, only they are good enough to represent Jehovah on earth. They alternately slander Christians for their shortcomings, and boast about their own organizational accomplishments. They appear to be oblivious to the fact that anyone besides themselves have ever carried the gospel message to people.
[raising hand] Guilty!
The Revelation ClimaXX Spiritual Pornography comment is a tell that I did that. I use that term here any time I mention it.
I could have gone on at length about the many assorted bits of nonsense in that book, but I wanted to stay focused on getting in a couple of concise points that would show a casual reader that the book and organization has discredited itself very thoroughly.
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