Getting serious for Julia!!

by Julia Orwell 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    No, there's no JC scheduled for me, though I've heard from a friend on the BoE that the Inquisitor is about to get inquisited himself. You will see who I mean in this thread:

    See, I cried to the elder-friend about how mean this Preppy (whom I shall now designate Snake) little upstart was, and how badly he treated me and tried to exact a confession of apostasy out me. It's gone to the the BoE and now back to me informally via my friend-elder, whom I shall call Sparky.

    Sparky tells me this new hotshot jerk young elder Snake has been on a witch hunt all through the congregation, has split the BoE down the middle and is bullying other elders. The majority of the BoE know what Snake is up to, and are appalled at how he's upset the peace of the congregation by throwing his weight around and bullying the brothers and sisters. They more people missing meetings because of it, and they're panicking.

    Sparky, a good, fair dinkum, salt-of-the-earth honest to God, loving guy, tells me the BoE's hope rests on this week's CO visit. The CO will save us from him! The CO will put him in his place!

    Or what? I ask Sparky.

    Sparky: They'll move him to another congregation!

    Julia: to be an elder?

    Sparky: Yes, shift the problem elsewhere...

    Julia: Like the Catholic church!

    Sparky (laughs and lols): Yes! Ha ha!

    So Sparky tells me that the two elders who've moved out recently moved because of Snake. He tells me elders have cried because of the way Snake has treated them. I remark that Snake is not spiritual and just wants a career. Sparky seconds that. Sparky's hope is in the CO to remove the nasty snake so he and the guys can get back to helping people (these guys on Sparky's side of the split are the genuine, caring, fatherly types I know well to really want to help people).

    So Sparky wants the CO to visit me and ask me and some others about how badly they've been treated by Snake. Great, I think, I'm untouchable now! If snake hurls the 'a' word around, no one will listen to him, because he's now under a cloud and has gotten a reputation as a career-climbin', power-grabbin' witch hunter!

    So I ask Sparky, "So, how much does the CO know about Snake..."

    Sparky: Oh, they're friends, known each other for years! The CO actually sent Snake to our congregation from his old one.

    Poor Sparky is in for a shock...

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Snake did want to make a JC for me, according to Sparky. Forgot to mention that.

  • alecholmesthedetective

    Oh dear, Julia, I'm feeling sorry for Sparky already...little does he know...

    I wish you all the best whatever happens, and I hope you don't have to face the CO regarding your doubts. I see from the previous thread which I'd missed that you know exactly how to hold your ground. Hats off to you!

    (Psst, is it me or does your name appear in your post on the thread you mentioned? I'm just saying, in case it was an oversight)


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Not my real name, no, if that's what you mean.

    The CO is supposed to come tomorrow, but I firmly stipulated that only if my husband was there. And since he's probably working tomorrow afternoon like he always does, and the next day too, I'll be fine. And if he's not and the CO does come with Sparky, I've told Sparky that I'll only talk to him if we stay on topic and if the CO doesn't ask me anything about anything else but Snake. Sparky so dislikes Snake that he would bend over backwards to have the CO hear my story which will supposedly move him to banish Snake, that he agreed to all my terms.

    Poor Sparky. This is not going to be well for him. I hope he doesn't lose his baptised wife and two baptised teenage daughters.

  • alecholmesthedetective

    Phew, that's OK then.

    Yes, I like your thinking, I think the best thing is for your husband to hear and everything they say with his own ears and eyes. Wow, Sparky's amazing!

    Yep. Well, I'm sure everything happening has had and thankfully will continue to have an effect on your husband, and I do hope he can see the truth.

    I wish you all the best and I feel sorry you have to go through this. Hang in, there, you will make it.

    All the best to you, Julia


  • irondork

    I guess I'm ignorant of the process...

    If one elder is causing that much turmoil, do no the other elders have the collective authority to step on him?

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Probably brother Snake will be the next CO!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Eeep!!!! That's probably what he wants. Well, good! Because then lots of other people will wake up. He's a bully - my little congregation's not used to that.

  • stillin

    I've seen several CO's who have been bullies. Remember the principle that management stands behind management, and the WTS Company takes on a more formidable, bullying aspect.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Just because Snake is an ahole doesn't mean he is out of step with the bOrg and will get caned by the CO. Elders are not your friends. Kick them to the kerb where they belong.

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