punko ! that's perfecto !
Getting serious for Julia!!
by Julia Orwell 46 Replies latest jw friends
Run! Claim you were stumbled if they do manage to contact you.
Maybe Sparky will get his eyes opened when he sees how things are really done, they don't care what is right, or who they hurt, its all about the corporation maintaining control.
Londo111 Wrote:
Run! Claim you were stumbled if they do manage to contact you.
PistOff Wrote:
Hang in there, Julia; don’t admit anything, don’t show fear, keep everything light, happy and neutral.
Comatose Wrote:
Life if you have to.
Julia, I'm sorry things have come to this. Londo111's advice to Run! is spot on. I was contacted daily in one form or another for a full five months when I first walked away. After an initial brief phone conversation (fishing expedition) with one elder, I avoided all contact and did not engage them at all.
When, months later that same elder showed up on my doorstep unannounced. I invited him inside my front door only because he was alone, and it was raining. My intent was having a fluffy conversation and throwing down the mental health card. He started by asking how my "sabbatical" was going. I laughed. Told him I was still dealing with PSTD, clinical depression issues and family issues (Mom). He knew the deal. I changed the subject and asked about his family. I assured him I knew how to contact each of the elders, and would contact them if I needed to. They have not contacted me in a year (other than a text message from the CoBOE inquiring of my safety when I was under mandatory evacuation orders. My response: Polite and to the point.
This plan has worked for me: Run! Show no fear. Throw down whatever card works for you (you seem to have plenty to choose from!) Keep it light. Only speak to an elder if he is alone. Thank you and good-bye.
If you do choose to meet with them, I reiterate what another poster said, your hubby must be there! And what Comatose said, "Lie if you have to." They feel free to use "Theocratice Warfare, so game on.
It would take a lot of nerve to pull off PunkofNice's plan. It's gold, pure gold! Love the way you think Punk!
zed is dead
Snake might be the CO's hit man. Time will tell.
Claim Snake has stumbled you and others. He does not seem christlike..and appears to "Lear" . He makes you feel uncomfortable...especially wanting to come over when hubby is not at home.
Julia Orwell
Great suggestions- how did 'apostates' ever get support before this site?
The good news is, hubby had to go to work (as I figured he would) and so the visit was cancelled. Yes!
I might go to the CO talk on Sunday, but at least them I'll be at the back of the hall and he'll be a tiny little figure on the platform in the middle distance.
Will be funny to see what happens. I bet his 'congregation needs' talk will be how we need to suck it up and not 'murmer' about elders like Snake, because after all, they're appointed by Holy Spirit.
And then after he leaves - I bet Sparky will be hounded out of office. Not that I will betray him; if asked anything, I will plead ignorance. I wish no harm to Sparky.
I've seen several CO's who have been bullies.
Seems to me that all the newly appointed COs are like this. The kindly old granddad COs have been sent off to pasture. (Too expensive to maintain their healthcare needs I suspect.) The Newbies have been sent out to sniff out rebels & independent thinkers.
Desirous of change
I agree with you totally. These are company men that are being sent in like rottweilers. they don't care about sheperding the flock. They are intentionally sent out to root out the 'weak' ones so that they refine all the congos. and keep the most zealot stalwarts that are easier to brainwash and control. That's what it looks like.
Julia - good luck. Be very very careful and cautious, this is watch your back time, prepare for the worse, that way you will keep on track. God will judge them. Interestingly Jesus did tell us there would be FAMILIAL BETRAYEL, jw's can't see now it applies to them.
much love
Mrs Orwell,
I have read your unfolding drama with great interest. Thank you for giving such an accounting of your experience as I am sure it will help others in a similar boat. I have to say all the comments that have been posted to you are really good advice. Armed with this knowledge you will fare well in whatever direction you choose at this point. And it will be your choice. That's the beauty of life. We can choose what we do, when awake to reality. Much like platos cave we have come out and have seen the figurative sunlight. You are a brave one to go back into the cave to help your hubby and others.
I am sure you already know but I'll say it anyway. The elder body has already discussed your case. They have deep suspicions about you. The CO if he visits you(thankfully it was canceled) will be not for encouragement nor to hear what you think about the snake. It will be an investigation. And they will return to the body and recommend a JC. If half are on snakes side your DF is a foregone conclusion. You are guilty and have to prove your innocence. It's a sick and twisted world that elduhs live in. It sounds like a clean break is not what you are gunning for. So never, never meet with two or more elduhs. Also for you info, since we had a similar case in our body, They will try to talk on the phone with you to catch you unaware and guess what it will be ...a conference call. So if you want to fade do not express your real feelings with sparky or anyone of the elduhs on the phone.
not to minimize your experience but it's like a religious thriller really, Fredrick Forsyth style, smoke and mirrors and the inquisition of Julia Orwell! One girls quest to navigate through the theocratic maze of mirrors Her only crime: she thought for herself!