It seems that the time it takes to get reinstated is rather elastic, with lots of variables influencing the amount of time.
I wonder though whether there are guidelines for the minimal amount of time that the GB considers appropriate, regardless of the sucker's penitent's expressed repentance.
For example, let's say an announcement is read out to the local congregation tonight that Brother A is no longer considered one of Jehovah's witnesses. However, literally within days he is stricken with heartfelt remorse for his sinful ways, abjectly apologizes to the body of elders (or those he can get hold of), pleads for help to return to Jehovah, turns away from his sinful course and gives immediate evidence he is doing everything possible to achieve that worthy goal. Let's also say he is 100% genuine, with no suggestion at all of impure motives.
What is the minimal period he must wait to be reinstated if his remorse came within days of being disfellowshipped? Two weeks? Three? A month?
Does any poster know of any one who has been disfellowshipped or disassociated and is reinstated within 3 months? 6 months? 9 months?
I suspect that, regardless of heartfelt expressions of remorse and an intention to turn away from sin, no one is ever reinstated within one year or are there GB-approved guidelines that state it is possible?