I was reinstated after only two months. It was stupid, I was young and unhappily married and had a brief affair. They could have just counseled me, I was just confused and immature, but I guess I wasn't repentant enough. Getting disfellowshipped was a shock and very difficult. I decided to try and get back so I never stopped going to meetings. I had to stay in my bad marriage, but it was just to hard being shunned. It seems this is rare, it's six months now at a minimum.
How long does it take to get reinstated ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen 32 Replies latest jw experiences
Pitchess, In the words of this one brother I used to know. "You might just about be through". If that makes any sense LOL. You might be through with faking a reinstatement. Like what the other posters have been saying about it ALL depends on what the local elders decide. They'll take in account your past dealings with the other body of elders but ultimately it's up to them. Might be 3 months, 6 months, or even a year. If you can get your Denzel on.....good luck.
Once(or if you get) back in..... a little of that and get out like a out of hell
Depends. 6-12 months usually..IF you seem Truely repentant. If you were not deemed to be "devious or calculating" originally...and the original elders don't have it in for you. I wouldn't waste a speck of energy trying until 6-11 months had passed. Make requests with dated letters. State you have stopped whatever it was, are heartsick, and have made ammends to any "victims". Send a letter every 3 months.
Are you sure you want to waste the time and bow to a cult????
Send your family a copy of the letters..often they will turn on the elders after the 2cd letter doesn't work, and communicate with you.
If people do not want to accept you as being you... they are not worth your troubles... family or not
Dismissing servant
It is very different...if you were DF'ed for an sexual affair, it would not take more that a year. But if you were DF'ed for apostacy.....it can take very very long time. Most BOE's are sceptic towards reinstating "apostates". You will be questioned again and again on your beliefs and how you regard the society and the GB.
besunny: The said you could not go out in field service? That is the only thing allowed you can do when on reproof. If they said that to you the elder in your congregation are not following WT rules. Just wanted you to know. Totally ADD
Open mind
Here's a quote that most elders here will remember from KM schools:
"The degree of discipline should be commensurate with the degree of deviation."
In congos I've seen in Northern California that translates to what several have already stated.
3 months minimum (and very rare).
6 months-1 year is typical for run of the mill porneia.
Sky's the limit if you were an elder who was repeatedly deceitful with the BOE.
A local BOE let a DFed former elder hang out to dry for SEVEN YEARS before they finally let him back in.
The former elder had numerous affairs on his JW wife and lied about it for years. Hence, the seven year smack down.
Pitchess Co-Gen
How long did the whole process take ? Did you talk to an elder about trying to get reinstated after the your first meeting ? Where the people nice to you when you first came "back" ? Did the elders try to study with you; when you did get reinstated ? Sorry I came up with more questions after my first meeting "back".
It took me two years and a lot of pestering of the elders, and I was only df'd for smoking that time!
LisaRose - looks like you hold the record for the shortest period of being disfellowshipped: 2 months! Until your post, I had never heard of such a brief period of being disfellowshipped. You must have been really persuasive in your repentance and/or the local elders were more humane than the average elder is.