CA did you know that Matt Bellamy's mum was a JW?
in regards to AAWA
by johnamos 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals
JWs have been worried about WW3 for a LOOOOOONG time now. It is always looming. There is always an international crisis about to strike____Christ Alone
If someone Says:
' How do you know that some future generation won't fit the prophecy even better than his one ? '
You might reply :
" But what would happen today if fulfillment of the sign required that we wait until another all-out war were to break out between the super powers ? such a war would leave few survivors. So you see, Gods purpose that there be survivors indicates that we are now very close to the end of this old system."
Or you could say :
" The pattern of events that began in 1914 will not be repeated in some future " Overlaping " generation" _____Reasoning from the Scriptures page 242
" Overlaping " Emphasized by Wuz
Memebers should not be punished because they no longer want to sell false expectations D2D
(Er, off topic and probably a dumb question... one thing I've noticed about JWs is that when there's trouble rising somewhere it's seen as a sign of the "end". And then, when there's talk of peace happening,'s a sign of the "end". Talk about a double-bind. Am I interpretting this wrong?)
Captain Obvious
Youre absolutely right. Either way a Dub brain won't compute that these aren't the last days. They're waiting for bad times but... Good times too? I don't really feel like pulling out my bibble and looking it up right now but doesn't one have to happen before the other?
One day in a phone conversation with my sister she mentioned how we are "sooo close to the end!" So I said, "you really think so? It really seems things are substantially better than they've ever been! We have new marvels in medicine, insight into science, better living conditions, relatively low crime, relatively low international conflicts..." She paused, then said... "Yeah! Maybe that means its even closer!"
Almost planted a seed! But.. In one ear, out the other. It might all fall on deaf ears, but inducing more cog dis in people is so fun!
One for captain obvious & new22day....
Doomsday cults live on fear
ok you had me until you said you agree with "robert king" lol really i had disucussion with him on youtube, he avoides the truth just like the gb, what a joke