it's a shame not to recycle humor for the folks who've never heard it.
Local needs talk
by hoser 36 Replies latest social humour
That was a real good laugh hoser - much needed, and very close to "the truth about the truth" (TATT).
Best one ever!
During the elder's meeting one of the brothers was complaining about losing $25,000 in a joint venture with his former friend (still a JW). He was tired of the brother harrassing him for his money, so he used every "Local Needs" part to remind this particular brother about "Jehovah forgiving 10,000 Talents and if others were unwilling to forgive monatary debt their brother cant pay back, than the collector won't be forgiven by Jehovah."
Right after months of this nonsense, my friend who was the "collector" called Bethel, showed the C.O. the physical contract and this brother began to pay $300 a month. Elder rip-off clown shortly went on a European Cruise with his wife (cost $13,000 PP) for thirty days around the Adriatic Sea, when questioned by my friend said "You only have a 40th anniversity once!" Relevance there? You see how corrupt the JW Elders can be when they do not want to pay back what they owe?
Local Needs are abused too often with elders personal agenda's and vendettas against the innocent ones.
You got me! LOL!
well had me all the way
HOSER- Pretty funny ! Good one
I love it