It separates parents from the natural affection for their children.
It suppresses the development from youth to aduthood, where children develop independent beliefs.
by Lady Lee 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It separates parents from the natural affection for their children.
It suppresses the development from youth to aduthood, where children develop independent beliefs.
Shunning: It destroys families and friendships. Research shows that shunning also injures the ones doing the shunning!
I'm with Mum on the introvert thing. I remember an elder telling me - we have to be 'people' people = extroverts. I realize in the USA that introverts are viewed, as to borrow a phrase from the WTS as 'mentally diseased', but can't we all just get along?
Slavery pure and simpler which uses all of the above to get their work done for a hollow promise that they know they can't deliver.
If you're an introvert, you'd like to just run away and hide someplace. Even being an introvert is "wrong." I remember an article in one of the publications instructing JW's to be "happy, loving extroverts." I am an introvert and I can be just as happy and loving as anyone else, and it's none of their *%^@ business if I like to spend a lot of time alone, reading and relaxing.
I'm an introvert Mum. I totally get what you're saying.
My mother is an extrovert. For years she told me I didn't have a personality because I'm quiet. Being raised in the lie didn't make it any easier. I didn't want to raise my hand to answer a question during the watchtower study. I didn't want to answer a question during the book study. I hated the TMS. And I despised field service. All of it felt so wrong and intrusive and still does.
Mum, Mrs. Jones I remember that articleband felt insulted, hurt, and confused. I also am a introvert.
Introverts rock!
As a gay man, I can completely agree with what Lady Lee said about what this cult has done to LGBT people. There is simply no place for them in the organization. How many, I wonder, have entered into loveless and unhappy marriages because they were told this was the natural and normal way for all human beings? I have seen children robbed of their childhood as they are forced to don formal clothing and go door-to-door proselytizing for the cult as well as foregoing the activities other children enjoy. I have seen many let their abilities and talents wither because they were told that developing them would mean becoming part of “Satan’s world.” There is the time lost attending pointless and useless meetings which furnish nothing for enjoyment of life.
You have a right to need things from others.
You have a right to put yourself first sometimes.
You have a right to feel and express your emotions or your pain.
You have the right to be the final judge of your beliefs and accept them as legitimate.
You have the right to your opinions and convictions,
You have the right to your experience–even if it is different from that of other people.
You have a right to protest any treatment or criticism that feels bad to you.
You have a right to negotiate for change.
You have a right to ask for help, emotional support, or anything else you need (even though you may not always get it).
You have a right to say no; saying no doesn’t make you bad or selfish.
You have a right not to justify yourself to others.
You have a right not to take responsibility for someone else’s problem.
You have a right to choose not to respond to a situation.
You have a right, sometimes, to inconvenience or disappoint others.
*Quoted from The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Workbook by McKay, Wood, and Brantley, pg. 202
Also, The Headship Principle in marriage simply does not work! It destroys marriages. Marriage based on the premise of an equal partnership has a much better chance of working.
The baseless 'theology' of invisible evil, persons is truely harmfull, especially to the young
My son developed mental illness at a very early age after years of excessive discipline, religious indoctrination, and the many asorted and unique
social stresses proferred on JW children, by their ignorant, brainwashed parents.
For much of his teens and youth he heard voices, yet said nothing as he sank into terrible madness, all alone.
Why? - because he assumed he was 'demonized', and didn't want that to affect his fathers 'position' as an elder.
Imagine an 'elder', so stupid as to not even be aware that your own child is insane, because of the way he was raised, and lies he was taught.
Thanks Watchtower -our life was such a phoney, hypocritical, manufactured and covert hell, we didn't even make it out with all our lives..