I saw it today. The talk after was torture. Monotone speaker and complete repetition of the video broken down as if we were 6 years old. Btw, how old was the little girl that got baptized? Looked 8 years old to me. To top it off, I was behind a young sister with a blended family of three, whose hubby was handling the microphones. She seemed to despise HER eldest by making cutting remarks to the child and visibly crushing her spirit. Acted fake nice to hubby's little girl yet coddled THEIR new baby. Even the sister I sat with commented "she sure seems overly annoyed by her children". They were all well behaved, not making a peep, the entire meeting. So glad I woke up a few months ago!!!
What's the latest CO talk and video presentation about?
by Julia Orwell 11 Replies latest jw friends
Gypsy Sam
Julia, maybe ask hubby about the funding issue. Talk made it very clear that you are on your own if you head out...getting visa's, contacting embassies, finding lodging etc. So, the talk mentioned us donating - where does the money go, if everyone is essentially on their own, as mentioned??