Immoral sleeping arrangement?

by hoser 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    I'm reading through the watchtower rule book right now and I came to the chapter Clarification and guidelines on handling certain matters. There is a part about scriptural divorce and even if adultery is not proved if your ex stayed all night or is involved in an immoral sleeping arrangement you can get scriptural grounds to remarry.

    They make a rule, then they have to make a rule for the rule, make another rule for the rule for the rule

    it never ends


  • Iamallcool

    controlling cult

  • wasblind

    In other words , if you find yourself in an odd position

    there's no need to waste the opportunity to get it on. either way

    your damned if you do , damned if you don't

    When will the sheep wake up and realize, you can't please the Devil ( WTS )


  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    "you can have scriptural grounds to remarry".

    just making up a get out clause, in a desperate bid to hang on to a few more "faithful"

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "even if adultery is not proved if your ex stayed all night or is involved in an immoral sleeping arrangement you can get scriptural grounds to remarry."

    The other question is: what happened to the Watchtower's beloved "two witness" rule in this instance? The WT will let a pedophile off the hook based on the fact that two people were not watching the child being raped. But in this case, even when both adults involved in the "immoral sleeping arrangement" deny any wrongdoing, the WT will allow an assumption of guilt to hold sway.

    "They make a rule, then they have to make a rule for the rule, make another rule for the rule for the rule"

    This is the natural, and unavoidable, result of what happens when you just make things up, claim it is based on the Bible, and then have to back pedal to get out of the hopelessly flawed situation you've gotten yourself into.

  • whathappened

    Yes, but as we all know, Jehovah and the angels are looking at us and know what really happened. You will die, die, die if you divorce your spouse and they really didn't comit adultery.

  • hamsterbait

    The elduhs can now DF you for what they think MIGHT have happened - even if the accused deny it.

    How is a sleeping arrangement immoral. If all you are doing is sleeping under the same roof and nothing more?

    There was a case in the midwest - its on this board, where the weather changed and the brothers visiting would have risked their lives in sub zero temperatures if she had made them leave. The elders DFed her.

    It is getting soo victorian and puritannical no sane person gives them any credibility as Gods mouthpiece.

    God help you if you have an alsatian living in your home - what will you get up to the elduhs must wonder.

    Can you let somebody's child stay over night and be DF for child molesting? PROBABLY NOT

  • BluesBrother

    Here is the quote from "Shepherding The Flock 2010.

    "Offenses Requiring Judicial Decisions

    2. Listed below are offenses that may require review

    by a judicial committee......................

    11. Evidence (testified to by at least two witnesses)

    that the accused stayed all night in the

    Same house with a person of the opposite sex

    (or in the same house with a known homosexual)

    under improper circumslances.- If questions

    are raised regarding Scriptural freedom to remarry,

    see 12: 12.


    12/12. In some cases adultery is not proved, but it is

    established by confession or by two or more witnesses

    that the mate stayed all night in the same house

    with a person of the opposite sex (or a known homosexual)

    under improper circumstances. The elders

    should carefully consider the situation. Were the individuals

    together all night? Were improper circumstances

    involved? For example, were the two persons

    alone? Is there evidence of a romantic relationship?

    What were the sleeping arrangements? Even if adultery

    is not established, it may be that the Christian

    was involved in an immoral sleeping arrangement.

    Although the elders cannot tell the innocent mate

    that he is free to marry because adultery was not

    proved, in view of the circumstances, if the innocent

    mate is convinced that adultery did occur, the elders

    may allow him to take responsibility before Jehovah

    for obtaining a Scriptural divorce; if he remarries, no

    judicial action will be taken."

    Hopefully it may be applied with a dose of common sense. I remember a case where a young "sister" had an ardent suiter turn up at her flat . He had no way home that night and no where to stay so he slept in her armchair. Our practical old P.O gave them a dressing down when he saw them next day and sent him home with a flea in his ear. We did not believe anything had taken place and took no action. Another case might be different.

    Is there still common sense around these days???

  • NVR2L8

    I used to travel with a co-worker who is homosexual...and we share the same Hotel room...according to the elder's book my JW wife could have a just cause to divorce me based on an immoral sleeping arrangement! All she would have to tell the elders is that she's convinced I commited aldutery with another man...WTF

  • Mum

    I know people who sleep with their dogs.


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