How much of Britain's economic recovery during that time, though, is attiributable to North Sea oil versus the economoic policies of any particular government?
by cantleave 99 Replies latest social current
How much of Britain's economic recovery during that time, though, is attiributable to North Sea oil versus the economoic policies of any particular government?
<sidepoint - Is 'Scottish' acceptable in the pejorative context you have used here StGofE - susbstiture in 'black,brown,gay' and see if that works the same way you have used 'Scottish'>
Not intended in that manner at all. Merely refering to the fact that they are both Scottish, but with his accent not many people realise Blair was born in Edinburgh.
Sorry I don't normally speak politics here but I can't resist the urge to put my two penny worth in.
Until Thatcher came along I never saw as many beggers on the street , people sleeping rough, unemployed able bodied men by the millions, lines of people around the block queing for petty work with big businesses not even bothering to acknowledge job applications . What I did see though were plenty of bankers and speculators also politicians must not forget them getting very wealthy and we all know what that led to . I saw the decline in house building and the decimation of manufacturing in the UK all of it sent overseas for cheap labour to do and we all know that lead to the slave labour wage service industry here. I saw plenty of riots on the street I have seen the decimation of the coal industry now people particulary the elderly cannot afford to heat their homes. The fishing industry has been practically ruined now of course we eat horse meat and we didn't even know it until someone discovered it mixed in with the beef. We were promised better times because we had North Sea Oil what we ended up with was communities particulary in the North of England split assunder. We got was large privatised water, gas, electric companies etc. making vast profits at the expensive of ordinary decent hard working people and now the the Government is taxing us to the hilt and giving it to the banks. I have seen soup kitchens never saw them until Thatcher. Food banks, once unheard of they keep opening up here there and everywhere but the powers that be say that we are going to introduce food stamps. So that makes it ok then does it?
I could go on and on and many will say what have modern day problems got to do with Thatcher the answer is simple her ruthless uncaring policies led to how millions in the UK live today.
Right ! now I shall go back to reading about unprinciplled cult leaders who like to screw cash for books out of the unwary.
No doubt the country was in a mess in 1979. No doubt the unions wielded immense power and promoted policies that ignored blatant commercial realities but that woman divided this country. Her mission to break the power of the unions became a personal crusade against personalities that had huge implications on whole communities - whole regions in fact. She let her personal battles blind her to the impact her policies were having and she showed scant regard for anyone outside of the social class she had worked so hard to break in to.
Her desire to promote free enterprise, home ownership and so on lead to a widening gap between the have and have nots, fostered the greed and excess of the late eighties and the result crash of the early nineties.
I spent my formative years wondering if there was going to be any kind of job for me when I left school. I spent my formative years just seeing hopelessness amongst a entire generation. I spent my formative years seeing nothing of any value in the world thanks to Tory, Thatcher policies. I spent my formative years thinking the only hope would be the new order promised by the faith my parents had born me in to.
In the middle of the Thatcher years I got baptised.
I will not be shedding any tears.
LOL Brutal!!!!!!!!!!!
Several hundred people gathered in south London on Monday evening to celebrate Margaret Thatcher's death with cans of beer, pints of milk and an impromptu street disco playing the soundtrack to her years in power.
Young and old descended on Brixton, a suburb which weathered two outbreaks of rioting during the Thatcher years. Many expressed jubilation that the leader they loved to hate was no more; others spoke of frustration that her legacy lived on.
To cheers of "Maggie Maggie Maggie, dead dead dead," posters of Thatcher were held aloft as reggae basslines pounded.
Clive Barger, a 62-year-old adult education tutor, said he had turned out to mark the passing of "one of the vilest abominations of social and economic history".
He said: "It is a moment to remember. She embodied everything that was so elitist in terms of repressing people who had nothing. She presided over a class war."
Builder Phil Lewis, 47, a veteran of the 1990 poll tax riots, said he had turned out to recall the political struggles the Thatcher years had embroiled him in. "She ripped the arsehole out of this country and we are still suffering the consequences."
How many can divide opinion to the same extent as Maggie?
Well said Edmond Dantes.
Loz x
Maggie Thatcher was the only European leader to oppose the ban on the Ivory Trade.
Street parties have broken out in varoius UK cities with one place handing out out free bottles of milk. To those who wonder what that is all about and not aware of the fact that before she became Prime Minister she was known as Maggie Thatcher the milk snatcher because she stopped children from getting free milk in schools.
Easy target kids !
"She ripped the arsehole out of this country and we are still suffering the consequences."
I guess it's not too soon. Thousands, if not millions, have waited a very long time for this day.
Godwin's law. Thread killing.
Thread is 1) not dead, and, 2) Romney started it:
“England is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn’t make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn’t been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler’s ambitions.”
Aren't you glad he's not the one in the WH having to choke up a comment for the Brits on this auspicious day?