I just noticed a major omission in the list of DF'ing offenses

by JeffT 15 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • JeffT

    I noticed this on Slimboy's list of things that can get you DF'd, and I checked it against the "Flock" book.

    There is no mention of blood transfusions! I know they are downplaying this, but have they stopped DF'ing people for it altogether? Or are they doing so and not talking about it? What happens if somebody points out that the elders manual doesn't say it's a DF offense?

    Very strange.

  • konceptual99

    They stopped DF'ing people for blood transfusions around 10 years ago (as I recall) but didn't tell the R&F.

    They moved it to a "DA by actions" offence. This is mentioned in the Flock book but not the Organised to Do Jehovahs Will book.

    This basically means they can refer to it as a conscience matter to the media and suggest there are no sanctions for accepting blood.


  • sd-7

    Perhaps not so strange. Perhaps they don't want that in print, and I suppose they have given a sort of disassociation clause, I thought. I forget. Never did finish my research on the WT medical issues.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    See page 111, Willingly and unrepentantly taking blood, is considered to be DAing yourself.

  • slimboyfat

    Yeah it's on the DA list rather than the DFing list. I need to make another list.

  • slimboyfat

    1. Stating that one no longer wants to be a JW
    2. Joining another religious organization and telling people you intend to stick with it
    3. Willingly and unrepentantly taking blood
    4. Joining a nonneutral organization
    5. Being an accomplice to a nonneutral organization through employment for more than six months

    They talk out of both sides of their mouth. They say there is no appealing DA because the action was taken by the publisher themselves, but on the other hand it is only if the person "unrepentantly" takes blood. How do they determine repentance in this context without some sort of meeting? Plus what do they inlcude in taking blood? Eating black pudding for breakfast?

  • Dagney

    Did somebody mention "Going against counsel?"

  • slimboyfat

    It's not on the list. Have you known someone who was disfellowshipped merely for refusing counsel on some matter?

  • Dagney

    Yes sbf. Two cases. Both involving members confessing a guilty conscience of falling in love, one a nonJW, the other a married sister. NO immorality had occurred. They were counseled to not see the person/be alone. When they did and confessed, again no immorality, they were DF'd for "going against counsel." Two different congregations, same circuit.

  • slimboyfat

    A pretty bad idea to confide in the elders about anything then.

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