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by never a jw 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Three hits in a row

    2010 The Overlapping Generation

    2011 When was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed

    2012 Who's is the FDS?

    If Ray Franz were alive, he would be envious of the Governing Body. They are doing a much better job at opening the eyes of JW's than he did with his book in the first three years....Nah. I think Carl Sagan on his quote referring to JW's was right:

    "... But religions are tough. Either they make no contentions which are subject to disproof or they quickly redesign doctrine after disproof. The fact that religions can be so shamelessly dishonest, so contemptuous of the intelligence of their adherents, and still flourish does not speak very well for the tough-mindedness of the believers. wishful thinking.

  • OnTheWayOut

    What was the change in 2011? " When was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed" ???


    Don't forget the meaning of the " ten toes of the image" and this years ban on partaking!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am really out of touch. (...and it's almost certainly a good sign that I am losing interest.)

    What was the ban on partaking?

  • cobaltcupcake

    Ten toes? I'm out of touch too!

  • Honeybucket

    If I remember correctly the ten toes is the statue of the man in Daniel's prophecy made of copper, bronze gold, ect. It's suppose to represent the different kings that had come into power and the society had always said that we are at the feet until a couple years ago the decided we are actually at the toes of this statue which means the end is even closer than we imagine. I may have the details wrong but thats the gist of it.

  • SophieG

    Honeybucket is close!

    The last talk of the DC in 2011 talked about the image in Daniel’s dream…and the 10 toes mixture of clay and iron (Anglo-America mash up)…and I kid you not they said “ the toes do not matter.” in regards to where we are in time concerning the image….at least that’s what my exhausted brain absorbed.

    Three days at the DC and that was the only thing I went home with. TOES DON’T MATTER! Gee… how profound!

    Never a JW: Coming in 2014?: 1914 is insignificant and the 144K is symbolic. It's almost like you can predict their next move!

    Never a JW: Coming in 2013?: 1914 is insignificant and the 144K is symbolic. It's almost like you can predict their next move!

  • Honeybucket

    Wanna hear something funny?

    After the 2011 convention, when I was still a gung-ho witness, I had mentioned out in service how exciting it is that the society had changed their previous idea of the toes, heel, foot of the statue. I can't remember word for word what I said, but I am pretty sure it would have been taken as a dig on the GB and their new lite because after I said that comment, you could hear crickets and the sisters were all looking at eachother bug eyed. Ive been thinking about that day alot lately and it made me wonder this: a. I had sounded like an apostate making fun of their ever changing doctrine or b. These ladies didn't believe the crap spewed out at the DC. Or maybe they had no idea what I was talking about. I always look for signs of dissidence when chatting with witnesses about new light. I even got two "annointed" to admit their annoyance about the new light, I shouldnt have done this in a group setting because I am sure I am marked as a possible apostate.

  • ldrnomo

    A ban on partaking?

    does that mean partakers will be DF'd?

    I also haven't heard about this. Not that I care because I don't plan on partaking.

  • wallsofjericho

    honey bucket

    C - they had no idea what I was talking about

    yup, that's the one right there.

    Ironically enough in September when the R&F are learning all about the "new light" the vast majority sitting there will have never understood the "old light". Just let me go home an drink beer....


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