It's back to back to back

by never a jw 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SophieG

    I know this may sound immature but I am such a prankster. This new light is prime for a “WHO’S ON FIRST” conversation with JWs. LOL!!!

    Just for kicks, I’d love to sit down with my family over a few bears and twist them up with old light vs new light. I have a vision at the end of the conversation they are looking at each other jaws dropped: THIS %$^&)!! Don’t make sense!!!!

    One can only wish!

  • Finkelstein

    Watchtower ( New Light) = continuous bullshit from a disingenuous religious publishing house.

    Offering Bullshit for over a 100 years, until the light turns by the public upon realizing how corrupt and commercial

    this religious publishing house is and has been.

  • never a jw
  • never a jw
    never a jw

    On the Way OUt

    There was no change in 2011. However, the article When was ancient Jerusalem Destroyed? (defense of 607 BCE) was, IMHO, the article with the greateses number of objetionable statements and quotes. Misquoting, quoting out of context, outright lies were everywhere. I have done extensive study on that article and I am sure it takes the prize as the MOST INTELECTUALLY DISHONEST ARTICLE EVER.

  • Finkelstein

    The easiest part to evaluate the ignorance of 1914 is that the ancient Hebrews used a 360 day year (Time) (Lunar)

    not the Gregorian calender system we use today of 365 days.

    So when Russell multiplied the times to equal 2,520 years he didn't take that into account.

    Russell was indeed a amateur bible theologian, but he did own a publishing company ( Tower Publishing ).

    I get the impression that he counted and exploited the general publics ignorance on many occasions in proliferating his literature.

  • Roberta804

    I guess putting a ban on part-taking is one way to make the end times seem closer. These people are nuts! I was a born-in, so I have an excuse, but who, in their right mind, would EVER consider joining the Jdubs now.... they do not seem to know if light is coming or going! And if we, here on this board, with all our leaked information ahead of time are confused about what they are teaching, imagine how the R&F must feel, and they are scared to death to be wrong about anything.

    I really feel for all of you who are just starting to open your eyes or just starting to try to fade. How in the heck have you kept up with all the changes? Did the changes bother you? What did you think when they went down to twice a week meetings? Or when they decreased the amount of hours to be considered a Jdub in good standing? What did you think when they changed the song book again or began downsizing what they print?


    Ok. The ban is not called a ban, just like talking to a Df'd family member is not a df'ing offense. Still, we know the way things work. The Elders are like bookies for the Mob Bosses. They have two sets of books.

    So while not saying, " partaking is forbidden ", the idea is there. Unless you are an Elder or CO or a higher-up, you will be treated with suspicion. The new memorial talk really hammers the point home. " YOU DO NOT PARTAKE, WE DO!"

    I would consider this paranoia part of the back to back to back scrambling for survival on the part of the GB/FDS.


    " Or when they decreased the amount of hours to be considered a Jdub in good standing? "

    That never happened in my KH! LOL!!

    " Did the changes bother you? "

    No. I think it was because deep down I knew it was not true. At the time I was busy with life, marriage, a new baby. I have never expected perfection from others, so I figured things would work out. After all, I serve God not men, and this is the best religion on earth. Only we teach the truth. Then I came to realize why all the older publications are not on the CD-library. Then I realized why you are not allowed to study Greek and Hebrew, or have small home studies with just the Bible.

    One less meeting a week? Yay!!! I didn't care why.

  • steve2

    There was no ban on partaking. However, many of us know from our own observations when we were witnesses that elders often purposely excluded certain ones from the tally of partakers - ones who elders deemed were inappropriate or misguided or both.

  • AnnOMaly

    Freddie will be spinning in his grave.

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