Young adults who are in the cult tend to get married way to young. The reason is no sex until you are married. So many for all the wrong reasons get married. Think how the cult controls young people from early teens all the way into their adulthood on sex. It is no wonder there are so many problems in the WT cult over sex. Totally ADD
Sex before marriage would eliminate a lot of unhappy marriages in the Borg...
by sinis 45 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah I think in the begining it is easy to have a good relationship usually because this is the first time your really getting any on a regular basis. Which may be taken for granted latter and if you got issues with the other person that enters the picture.
And I'm sure we all/most of us get sexually attracted to different people at different times that could be repressing all kinds of things who knows. I guess trying to stay healthy has alot to do with sexual stamina so diet and exercize work those Kegel muscles, and take time to get guilt free horny, and don't for get man's best friend Viagra at under 2 dollars a pill, and I say ridem cowboy!
Sex before marriage might eliminate a lot of marriages, period.
Gypsy Sam
This thread makes me laugh. Yes, many sisters have confided in me how unsatisfied they are in this area. I always offer to take them toy shopping. Lol. It's a two way street and sometimes they need to loosen up and find out if there is something they can communicate better, too.
finally awake
Too many people focus on sexual performance as the reason for being unhappy with a particular partner. Sexual compatibility is not just technique and performance. The real issue is whether a particular partner will learn to do what pleases the other. If one partner is selfish and uninterested in the other's enjoyment, or too inhibited to try new things, it's not going to work. Simply being unskilled is a fixable problem, and issues like premature ejaculation and impotence can be dealt with as well. The only unfixable problems are an unwillingness to learn and experiment, and an inability to accept that real sex isn't like the sex in romance novels or porn flicks.
Gypsy Sam
Finally awake - your comments are spot on! I wish there was a like button.
never a jw
one of my JW nephews is 24 and never has kissed a girl, unless he is living a double life. The guy is good looking and girls do go after him. I am pretty sure he is heterosexual. The point is, he is wasting the best, most potent years of his life for submitting to the stupid morality of the bible and few other books. I agree with marriage as a contract to protect the offsprings, not to regulate the most joyous act two consenting humans can have (of course I make exception for chilfren).
Divorce rates are lowering in both Canada and the US. Statisticians in Canada attribute this to couples waiting until they are older before they tie the knot. Mature couples, mature marriages.
I suspect the Muslim population is suffering the same problems as the Witnesses. In the rush not to sin, couples are pressured to commit prematurely. I don't think these two groups will enjoy the lowering divorce rates that we are seeing in the general population.
Finally awake - your comments are spot on! I wish there was a like button.
actually there is a "like button". Once it has been found and one has gotten familiarized with it, ...gently, gently... it can make all the difference in the success of the encounter.
Spend time with soothing massages and exploring. Watching porn can distract from what you already have and need to focus on.
wha happened?
It would have put my marraige on hold. We weren't sexually compatible as her JW upbringing taught her sex was dirty, but necessary. However the only dirty part was her hygenically challenged self. I spent 8 years of marriage just trying to get her to wash up.