by compound complex 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, rip, for commenting.

    When you come from a crazy family, there's a lot to draw upon!

    Having my oatmeal now, but it isn't gray or gluey. NO POWDERED MILK!!!



  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Good story. I'd feed Bobby those rotten duck eggs the Chinese bury in the ground for extended periods before eating.

    I live on great gobbs of oatmeal since going mostly vegan last year so I really enjoy eggs when I have them. Had some great Huevos Rancheros and steamed eggs while on vacation last week.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I often wonder if the boys -- well, they're men now -- are truly related.

    They look so different -- coloring and stature. Temperement, yes, definitely different in temperament. The little one still follows big brother around when he goes about his chores in the garden. Even when they're indoors and I can see them through the picture window in the living room, they seem joined at the hip. As I said, the boys I remember since each one's birth are very close even as grown up men. That is, physically, though the older is actually very small in size. I believe he's the older one, the simple one . . .

    My memory sometimes fails me.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Sounds like a great meal, I quit! I appreciate your response.

    You never really know someone -- even if he's your brother.



  • LV101

    we're hangin' on about FAVs --- do tell!

    Speaking of the topic "Oatmeal," do you ever make the true, healthy, Irish, McCann's Steel Oats? I don't enjoy watching water boil and stirring until it smooths/thickens (OMG!) but at that point the labor is over and it simmers for 30 min. You can make a vat and fridge for a few days' worth.

    I'm assuming omelets are served with the 8:00 A.M. English 101 class? My attendance/commitment is not good w/classes any more and I'd literally have to enroll via the PM.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, LV -- off to work, but I appreciate your comments.

    BTW: love steel cut oats!


  • LV101

    Hear you can cook those steel-cut oats in a crockpot and I'm going to find out asap --- will pass on info unless someone hear knows about.

    Ahh, work, that four letter word!

  • LV101

    ooops -- meant to spell "someone HERE knows," not hear. I'm late for brunch meeting --- i.e., work, (that four letter word), duh/rushing/pathetic.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Coco, who is this observant ( or nosy? lol) neighbor that has insight into the family dynamics? And what now forgotten memories might they hold?


    Gray, chilly, very windy and rainy day in NYC. Hope you have a good day!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Wishing you a good day, also, rip!

    I like to employ the literary device of unreliable narrator -- whom can you, the reader , truly believe? The old, forgetful neighbor is nosy, perhaps, or merely observant, but not malicious. Margery seems to know that Bobby's in charge, but is he really? Is Mother dead or tied up in the basement? Who of the brothers is "George," who is "Lennie"?

    Guess I'll be back . . .


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