My worst one was at a convention in the midwest where bleacher seating was located immediately above tightly spaced and packed hard-plastic seating. My legs got really sore and cramped up and so for lunch, I just stepped right behind my seat and sat on the wooden bleacher so I could enjoy my lunch with my legs stretched out. This area had been marked off with yellow tape for which I presume was their attempt at forcing everyone down below into the regular seats so it didn't appear to look so sparse (all about the appearances ya know!) I had an attendant in his upper 40s come over and inform me that I needed to get back down into my seat. I said I would and that I was stretching out my legs. He walked the entire perimeter and when he came back, he zero'd in on me and glared and said, "I thought I told you to sit back down in your seat." That was the beginning of the end for me at conventions. I suffered (yes - suffered!) for years at conventions with sore legs, legs going to sleep, sore butts due to hard seating, sore backs, and just a horrible affair with my comfort. They quit allowing people to bring in lawn chairs (which they used to allow) and it got the point I would start brainstorming about bringing a recliner on a dolly with handicapped placards all over it to see if I could sneak it by. :)
Yet another time I was helping a family member with cleaning duty with the bathrooms. I would sit at this little table and listen to the talks droning on and on. The family member said something about leaving for a little bit and I said okay. So I sat there by myself for quite some time and sure enough, an attendant came up and queried me about why I was sitting there and why I wasn't in my seat with my family. Yet I would see others sitting at desks and the same attendant would just walk on by them. WTF!?!?!?!
Finally one other time, when I was really young, my brother and I would do like kids do and play hide and seek or tag in the auditorium at intermission by walking really fast all up and down the stairs in all the little nooks and crannies (just below a run so we wouldn't get in trouble.) One time I decided to run like I had seen all the other little brats and elder's kids do with impunity and right off the bat, I got stopped by an elderly brother who counseled me about running in Jehovah's house. All this while kids were running by us. I felt so horrid and later when that brother died, I didn't hold back by telling all that asked me if I had heard he passed away what I thought about how he drug me off in a corner to counsel me while others kids kept running by us. JERK!
NEVER in my whole life, have I ever felt so bad for just being myself. I was not an elder's child (in fact I had a handicapped father that precluded me from ever going to other congregations for talks) so I was easy pickings and fodder for anyone who wanted to wreak their counseling arm of authority on me. I would get counseled for just being myself, for wanting to stretch my legs, for doing what others did with impunity (and screw all that talk about Jehovah disciplines those he loves.)
I haven't been to a convention of any sort in about 4 years and I don't miss it at all. As a matter of fact, I'm a lot more relaxed because I know in the small town I'm in, all the JWs will be gone. It's a great feeling.
Honestly, when I look back, once I got a little older and wiser, I really didn't enjoy any of the conventions at all. I enjoyed the motel stay, swimming in the indoor pool, loading up on knick-knacks at the gift shop, and eating out. The conventions bored me and I didn't understand why we had to meet there anyway when everything they said could be covered as talks at the local Kingdom Halls. Does anyone remember the circuit assemblies that would start about 8:15am and run to 5:55 with an hour for lunch? That was forever to a young kid!
It's probably a good idea I don't go, because if I was to sit in the bleacher seats again and I got accosted by an attendant, I'd not only tell him to buzz off, I'd call the police and tell them I was getting harassed by a person in a public facility for sitting in an area that is OPEN to the public and demand they be removed and press charges. I won't back down next time.