On our journey we are learning that:
RELIGION is a preoccupation with man's views on God.
The GOSPEL is a preoccupation with God's views on man.
"Man's search for God" versus "God's search for man" if you will.
It seems to us that there is no intention or prospect of ever reconciling the two. Therefore it seems we have to choose one or the other, no matter how hard.
What are your observations?
(The Gospel = the Good News = the Good Message = Glad Tidings = Sacred Secret = the Evangel)
(The phrase "good news" appears roughly 152 times in the NWT - more than half by Paul in the books Romans through Hebrews)
(Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)
(Why and when did the Watchtower stop teaching that ALL religion is a snare and a racket?)