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by joe134cd 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • zeb

    and there is the matter of the protection of paedophiles..

  • Fernando

    A warm welcome joe134cd!

    Yes, we've all been there.

    Few of us had it so clear and together as you seem to have, before anyone knew we were headed for the door.

    Best wishes on outwitting the evil hounders.

    There is much great advice on JWN - especially never to give away anything to anyone - except very gradually and very patiently to your partner and children - and then in the form of exploratory questions that get them to think and reason.

    Greetings, blessings and peace to you and yours


    South East Queensland, Australia

  • Bangalore

    Welcome to JWN,Joe.


  • happy@last

    Welcome, it all becomes so obvious when you realise it, doesn't it!

    Enjoy the journey and take it steady if you need to.

  • Slavenomore


    Great job in awakening. You will look back at this moment in your life one day and see a true demarcation line of when freedom begins. Keep reading people's experiences on here, it helped me to know I'm not alone, in fact it is often said there are more who have left the org then in, and I think you are beginning to see why. Warm welcome.


  • ablebodiedman


    I am convinced that disfellowshipping is the best way to go.

    All you have to do to be disfellowshipped is take a stand for Jesus Christ.

    Yes, your friends and family may lyingly say wicked things about you however,

    there is some joy when you recognize what is really happening:

    Matthew 5:11-12

    “Happy are YOU when people reproach YOU and persecute YOU and lyingly
    say every sort of wicked thing against YOU for my sake. 12 Rejoice and
    leap for joy, since YOUR reward is great in the heavens; for in that
    way they persecuted the prophets prior to YOU.

    I took a stand by bringing attention to the re-invented baptismal vows that completely departed from

    what Jesus Christ commanded to be in place up to the conclusion of this system of things.

    The Judicial committee will ask questions like; "Are you no longer loyal to the Governing Body?"

    The answers now become easy:

    "I am loyal to Jesus Christ"

    They will still disfellowship you!


  • Bangalore

    Are you the same Ablebodied man from the Paradise Cafe?


  • jgnat

    Welcome, joe134. I am sure you have your own reasons for choosing to fade. It's everyone's right to decide for themselves how to exit. Now that you are very sure that the Witnesses don't have the truth, might I suggest at least a year of reflection, to consider what you do believe? So much about the Watchtower is anti-something. They are anti-Christendom, anti-soul, no smoking, no fun. Then, on leaving, it's more anti. They are not all they present themselves to be. That leaves a big hole. What is worthwhile believing in? I've come up with a short list for myself, but I sincerely believe it is best if people make their own. Kind of like a personal ten commandments for living.

  • ablebodiedman
    Are you the same Ablebodied man from the Paradise Cafe?

    Bangalore, Yes, I have made many posts on the Paradise Cafe forum. I have carried along my bag of seed with much weeping. abe

  • Gayle

    Welcome Joe. There is no specific one way to leave JWs. Choose it 'your' way. There are phases for most, depending each person. Take it slow and you will figure it out. It can be bitter=sweet, but sweeter and sweeter as times goes. Often, when we go through our 're-evaluation,' we realize there were many things that we questioned along the way, but could only push it back. Eventually, it all comes back for another review and the stack is notably immense. That stack can no longer be stuffed away.

    So many best wishes to you!

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