What if most of the R&F Jdubs upped and left ?

by Phizzy 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    I know a mass exodus is about as likely as peace between the Arabs and Israelis, but just imagine if it did happen, most of the R&F JDubs, and in fact most of the R&F of any religion.

    The nasty guys at the top would be left up the proverbial creek with no paddle.

    Therefore it is the Rank and File members of any religion that keep it going, so they are, if ignorantly and without malice, supporting the nasty guys.

    The GB of the WT, the Mad Mullahs, The Pope and his coterie of kiddy-fiddlers would all come crashing down.

    Therefore I shall no longer make excuses for the R&F of any movement that is rotten, they may be ignorant, but that is no excuse, and by supporting the edifice they are as guilty as the perpetrators who suicide bomb, murder abortion performing Doctors, and all the child abusers within these organizations.

    If you give your support just a little bit you have to carry some of the blame.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    If you stop the money, you stop the insanity.

  • blondie

    The last time a substantial amount of jws left was in 1925 when numbers dropped from 90,000 to 25,000 and it recovered from that. EVen a 2% drop from 1977 to 1979 because of 1975 was soon recovered from.

    I would sooner expect aliens from outer space to land on earth.

    The Catholic Church has and continues to thrive under attacks on its authority.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea there a plenty of self appointed messiah's out there. Reminds me of a line in "Life of Brian".

    BRIAN: I'm not the Messiah!

    ARTHUR: I say You are, Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few.

  • ABibleStudent

    Since KH's and AH's are owned by the WTBTS corporation and not individual congregations, I personally feel that the GB would be thankful that R&F JWs left, so that the GB and Bethelites could retire to upstate NY and not have to publish anymore Watchtower and Awake magazines. Just dreaming of course.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • LostGeneration

    It would be interesting to see what would happen.

    Would the GB take the leftover cash and run?

    Would they take out their anger in the mags, screeching to the leftover choir about evil apostates?

    But it will never happen. People want to cheat death, whether its in heaven or on earth. They will do/say almost anything to hold on to their hope of everlasting life.

  • blondie

    In the US, KHs are not owned by either but by non-profit corporation headed up by 3 elders from the congregation that hold the territory the building sits on. These men act as trustees but own nothing. The WTS can take over as the parent non-profit corporation only after dissolving the congregation. The WTS does not own it even then or lose their non-profit status in the US. Does the WTS want to dissolve all these congregations and assign the jws in them to new congregations? It has been on a small basis but I doubt it would solve much in the US.

  • Pickler

    "Therefore I shall no longer make excuses for the R&F of any movement that is rotten, they may be ignorant, but that is no excuse, and by supporting the edifice they are as guilty as the perpetrators"

    true, true, true!!

    R & F JW are looking forward to a mass genocide, the death of everyone in the world except themselves.

    They know this is coming, so, how do they choose to share this? One door at a time......makes no sense at all.

    If the org truly believed what they were saying, they would use the most effective means of communication, TV, Internet. They would engage with the world & academics in debates. That's what you would do if you truly wanted to get your message out. JWs would get marketing degrees!!!!

    sadly, they have proved no different from other publishing companies.

    R & F JW are in for the same reasons people are in any other religions, family, friends, routine, habit, identity etc etc Thats why they don't leave.

  • logical1

    " If the org truly believed what they were saying, they would use the most effective means of communication, TV, Internet. They would engage with the world & academics in debates. That's what you would do if you truly wanted to get your message out. JWs would get marketing degrees!!!!"

    If they have nothing to publish they have no reason to solicit donations for the "world wide work"

    If they were on TV, Youtube and academically debating they would have no reason to solicit donations. Advertising costs pale in comparison to outdated printing presses.

    If they have no reason to solicit donations for the world wide work they can't effectively launder money and skim off the top like they do.

  • Finkelstein

    What if most of the R&F Jdubs upped and left ?

    The WTS. still holds over a billion dollars in real estate and money holdings.

    From that they could just start a new religion easily, with a different name and identity.

    I think they are going to eventually drop the Watchtower branding after a few years past 2014 ,

    over the abundance of bad and inaccurate information.

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