It is mostly women who support churches, i.e., attend and do the dirty work. Without the support of women to give the men something / someone to be in charge of, almost all churches would implode.
What if most of the R&F Jdubs upped and left ?
by Phizzy 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That would be so freakin fantastic!
"The last time a substantial amount of jws left was in 1925 when numbers dropped from 90,000 to 25,000 and it recovered from that. EVen a 2% drop from 1977 to 1979 because of 1975 was soon recovered from."
Imagine if these jw's in 1925 & 1975 had computers!!!
This age of instant information may turn the tide one day!
I was attending a hall onetime that had 4 congregations attending.
So many bro/sis left in a short period of time that there were only
enough jw's left to make up three congs! Do not remember what
it was that caused this but it was spooky! lol
Thanks for all your comments, I ,as I said, doubt a large exodus will ever happen.
Though I do expect an incremental increase in those leaving every year from now on, mainly from the young, who have always left in large numbers percentage wise, but I think in a decades time young ones staying will be a rarity, and most of those that do will lead the good old "double life".
Any who stay though, young or old, do support an Organization that is despicable in its lack of morals, with blood on its hands,so should feel, whatever their reasons for staying, extremely ashamed of even their minimal support.
I feel sorry for those stuck in the WBT$ who are awake but trapped.
Herbert Armstrong and the World Wide Church Of God split beacuse it was built on a personality- the founding Father and his son, that dynamic won't happen in the GB. Blondie's comment about the 1billion loyal Catholics shows people love their religion in spite of the enormous sins of the those institutions.
Just expect a steady out-flow, thousands wake up every year and no longer 'need' a religion in their lives. That's not meant to be a dig against AWAA or AAWA or whatever it is, free speech is freedom but it really is the internal awakening that occurs to BS that is the greatest cure and the Wt. itself does an excellent job of waking up its own members just publishing its BS.