Since coming to know TTATT, I have always wondered if there are others in the congregation who also share similar experience with me, are there pointers to identifying others who are also faking meeting attendance and FS activities.
How to identify Publishers who know TTATT
by His Excellency 36 Replies latest jw friends
troubled mind
Yes ....we have a secret handshake ,but you have to reach 200 posts before we reveal it to you !
breakfast of champions
Bring a blacklight to the Kingdom Hall and shine it on the suspected "Conscious Class"'s left hand.
A phosphorescent "TTATT" hand stamp should appear.
I think the easiest way to spot someone who knows TTATT is simply the one who stops going to the meetings anymore. I reckon most people who wake up to TTATT can't stomach any more meetings and quietly join the ranks of the inactive. It must be far less common for people to keep going long after they realise it's all garbage.
We probably all know dozens of people who used to be active Witnesses but now very rarely attend, just going to the memorial to keep friendly. These are most likely the ones who fall into the "conscious class".
Slim nails it. Look for those never or rarely in serve-us first. Look for the ones with a pained look in their face.
There was a guy about 15 yrs ago at my book study that looked like he was gonna puke through the whole meeting.
He left a short while after, faded quickly but didn't get DFd. A few years ago I figured out the deal, walk away.
Quite a few on here recently who are going through the motions, trying to keep up appearances.
My advice is just quit. Don't "out" yourself, but you will make yourself sick listening to their bull-$hit. Its not worth it, if only for your sanity.
Ok can I ask a dumb question, what is TTATT? I don't post here regularly.
TTATT = The Truth About The Truth
It's "The Truth About The Truth."
Jgnat. You took the words right out of my mouth