University education, does not make you rich, or even give you practical skills.
You can find skills in a university but not necessarily.
What university does is help you with critical thinking,
and that is only if you actually pay attention
and actually read the books, and write the papers and listen to
the lectures and allow yourself to absorb all the constant critiques and corrections,
that make you rethink everything. University challenges your thinking,
up front and personal, face to face with other students.
People who are smart, and isolated and uneducated, can sit at home and think,
gee I am so smart I could have been a brain surgeon.
But real brain surgeons are slogging it out with really smart people all around them
challenging them every minute. Universiy makes you question everything
and every form of information, and subject things to scrutiny.
University makes you see all the fraud and pomposity passing as wisdom,
and twisted logic, and false premises, and muddy thinking,
and you emerge hopefully, scarred and somewhat humbled,
but more sceptical, more aware of the way most people acquire what they
they think is knowledge. The Watchtower is a tissue of the most preposterous,
nonsensical, and grandiose postering worthy of the carnival flim flam man,
it doesn't hold up to any theological or historical or reasonable examination by any honest person.
Ignorance, is the only ground they can hope to sow their seeds in.
That is why they do not like their members going to university.