You know those articles from the WT are coming, along with emails from JW friends and family. All the shameless self-attaboys, and fictitious observations by non-JWs remarking on how JWs provided the most and best assistance to the victims.
I heard Jehovah's Witnesses were the first ones on the scene in Boston providing assistance.
by Theocratic Sedition 45 Replies latest jw friends
Then, theres the angelic intervensions that prevented some dubs from going or being near the blast sites.
Sorry you lost a Leg!.....
We have WatchTower Literature for you!..
Don`t Forget to Send Y our Insurance Money..
To the WBT$!!..
JWs don't run marathons. Too much time away from service spent training.
I do know one elder that does marathons. I am not sure if he was in Boston. I will eventually find out.
I do know one elder that play tennis about every weekend. He is pretty good at it.
So are the Williams sisters ........................
Witness My Fury
Lets review: .... It's a cult.
Resistance is Futile
I recently had a JW tell me that they were "the first ones there" at Newtown. Shameless self-promotion. How on earth would someone even verify that?
So let's get this straight, they won't perform any real charity, but whenever a disaster or tragic event happens they come running in with their pamphlets.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Hello Theo, Thank you for my bedtime chuckle. lol
Nite - nite ,
Just Lois