I was thinking earlier, what if someone created a phony account of some outragous story about JWs providing assistance during the aftermath of this tragedy, and then posted it on Facebook just to see how many JWs would run with it?
I heard Jehovah's Witnesses were the first ones on the scene in Boston providing assistance.
by Theocratic Sedition 45 Replies latest jw friends
It does my heart a turn every time I see the fellows moving aside the storm fence to get better access to the victims. Yes, running towards the blast site to help.
Theocratic Sedition
Has this always been on the JW News site, or is it something new? The date shows 4/15/2013. I'm thinking they posted this in response to what happened in Boston.
When Disaster Strikes, Love Moves Us to Action
In times of need, Jehovah’s Witnesses provide assistance to fellow believers and others. They do so as an expression of love, an identifying mark of true Christians.—John 13:35.
What follows is a partial list of the help given over a 12-month period ending in mid-2012. The list does not include the spiritual and emotional care that always accompanies our efforts. Disaster Relief Committees appointed by our branch offices organized much of the assistance. In addition, local congregations regularly shared in the help given.
They list a bunch of countries that they've participated in giving assistance to those affected by tragedies.
LOL @ Outlaw post ... right on!
I heard they were the first ones there at Jone's Town after everyone committed suicide. The WT was trying to find out what Jone's used so they have the correct formula to use on there follower's in the near future. It's a cult. Always remember that fact. Totally ADD
"I see I've caught you at an inconvenient time, due to your massive hemorrhaging. However, I would like you to know that the reason you are suffering is due to the issue of universal sovreignty. Isn't that comforting?
Let me leave you this 192 page book (you'll have time to read as you recuperate from your amputation) and I'll drop by your hospital bed when I need to finish my service time for the morning.
Have a good day!"
what if someone created a phony account of some outragous story about JWs providing assistance during the aftermath of this tragedy, and then posted it on Facebook just to see how many JWs would run with it?
I've always wanted to do something similar, to see if we could get a few to wake up to the fakeness of their endless urban myths "experiences". What I did do is point things out repeatedly. Oh, you thought that was a jw story, well here is an article on snopes.com proving that story originated with a Baptist church years earlier.
And it mattered not at all. You see, their brains have adapted a large part of their frontal lobes to stop thinking and believe instead, even when faced with disconfirming facts.
But it would be interesting to see it unfold live.