{A great amount of the pages surrounding AAWA was concerning a breach of trust and unsatisfactory action, even to the point of vilifying the victims. I was told I "should have picked better friends." }
Dagney, unfortunately you are right. Many people have been alienated from the group and many will have no desire to go around it as a result. Much of the criticism could have been taken in a constructive way and was to an extent considering the security measures that are now in place. Still the foundations will always be held with skepticism and could remain a deterrent for many who would otherwise lend their support.
I think this highlights the importance of weighing seriously what is put into print or stated from AAWAs PR stance. While we all have ideals and concerns nobody should EVER be made to feel they have been "vilified" Moving forward AAWA will hopefully avoid these scenarios and the segregative chain of events that follows.