Funny, Nixon said the same thing about Watergate.
AAWA has caused divisions and has lost the opportunity to be effective
by NoRegrets 162 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Again, I say that it takes the wind out of the sails of the movement being that the leader is a fader who is still in and having his cake and eating it too. It just diminishes the effectiveness! Sorry but it does!
Cedars standing in the organization is his business, not ours. He loves his family, is that a crime? He isnt ready to go public, we have no right to criticise him. That decision is his and does not disqualify him from being president of a corporation that he had the guts to initiate.
I have agreed not to say anything bad about the Watchtower Society within earshot of my daughter in order to keep her in my life and not be shunned. I don't feel like I am compromising anything. I am not letting this cult hurt my family anymore than it already is. I love my daughter and grandson. Saving them from this nightmare of a cult is paramount. I have a better chance staying close rather than making it so she feels she has to completely cut me out of her life to prove her loyalty to God.
We are all in different places here. I look back on who I was when I first joined JWN and I have come a very long way. We all move at our own pace. Let us stop bad mouthing people who have good motives and be supportive. If someone doesn't want to join AAWA, they don't have to, but it seems that all the negativity may discourage others from joining and helping.
We don't know at this time if this new group will be able to do what they have set out to do, but let's not pass judgement too quickly as to how effective they will be. Let things take their natural course. Remember, all that evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing. There is strength in numbers. The Watchtower Society has to go down it simply has to. How are we to do it if we act alone.
Every chance I get, I tell people the truth I have learned about the organisation but a concerted effort will reach even more people and save many more lives, maybe not all, but many more lives.
Just my thoughts on this matter, no offense to anyone intended.
It's really weird to me how some here are obsessed with the issue of Cedar's name. Is anyone here hurt by Cedar's use of a pseudonym?
Cedars is only one member of the board. I look forward to meeting him someday hopefully with all of his extended family rescued from the clutches of the WT cult. If he wants to be the voice in the squawk box while all the AAWA Angels run around rescuing the world, I see no problem with that. in fact a TV series should be made about that as well.
There are the other board members. All very out and recognizable. All extremely talented also. If your personal disdain for Cedars prevents you from being rational why not look to them? Are they not credible enough to carry the mission of AAWA and garner your support?
Finally there are the volunteers. They have unbelievable talents and capabilities and resources, many who have never even been one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Will we disregard them and their worth because we have an aversion to one member of the board who needs anonymity for the time being?
What a shame to miss out on the opportunity to work closely with people like these!
I suppose it's fine to sit idle and watch them march onto the battle field. Many feel safe doing so. But what is the point of constantly trying to find fault with their mission or leadership and blasting it like a bunch of desparate cheerleaders?
If you don't want to be a part of it fine. Why not grab your popcorn to sit back and watch the show?
But what is the point of constantly trying to find fault with their mission or leadership and blasting it like a bunch of desparate cheerleaders?
The point is that they have broken the law and made mistakes that can hurt people and have fixed neither while setting themselves up as leaders all while refusing to fix their mistakes. They have demonstrated lack of education, judgement and understanding right out of the gate with zero accountability or plans to fix the problems.
Far from cheerleading their demise, they were greeted with open arms until their actions burned many members here and they shrugged it off and blamed the victims.
tim hooper
I'm glad that the sky hasn't fallen in.
You're not doing much good for the cause Tylinbrando. You're really going over the top and I for one don't like extremism.
Just in your last post alone you say -
"...while all the AAWA Angels run around rescuing the world, ... other board members. All very out and recognizable. All extremely talented also.... them march onto the battle field..." Really, all your board members are not just talented but they are extremely talented. But they're all 'out there and recognizable', you'll find that a team this does not make, rather ego's and personal ambition will get in the way. Yep with extremism like this I'll do as you suggest - "Why not grab your popcorn to sit back and watch the show?"
My 2 cents. I don't know anything about the AAWA but why would anyone want to put something about exiting a cult on their facebook page???
Well if it had a more sensible name...
ballistic I think you are right that many if not most who leave the Witnesses may simply want to move on with their lives and would not necessarily wish to include their former religious allegiance as part of their enduring identity, such as on Facebook. DBut for others leaving the religion, and helping others to do so as well, may be a part of their life that they are happy to incorporate as part of their sense of self. Of course that would be made easier, and may be more appealing to more former Witnesses if the organisation had a more sensible sounding name.