R.I.P." Daisy"

by smiddy 23 Replies latest social family

  • smiddy

    Yesterday we had to make the decision to put our cat down as her health had deteriated so much in the last few months ,and especially in the last week. Many of you will know it is such a traumatic experience to go through and very painfull emotionally .

    I had never considered myself a cat person , we rented a house ,double story with an outside balcony and next door had what I would describe as an umberella ? tree ,where a cat sat, and looked over at us at the second level.

    It started hanging around the front door and I said Dont feed it as it will never go away

    She became a much valued member of our family ,and she and lilly our toy poodle accepted each other from the outset

    Five years ago we moved interstate and brought daisy with us via plane and kennells ,about 3 weeks ,and she just fitted in as if she was never away from us .

    While she was never a lap cat ,she did love to smooch and rub her self against you , but she was affectionate in her own way .

    Yesterday my son ,my wife ,and myself were a mess ,and today for me its not much better.


  • Satanus

    Sorry to hear that. Its amazing how they are missed, when they are gone. The place they occupied is so very empty.


  • LouBelle

    ah smiddy, *hugs* cats are beautiful animals and I am happy Daisy found you guys and adopted you as her family and had happy days with you. You know the cats' rule the home. They definitely become a part of the family!

    I have a cat and I love her to bits - she's been my baby for 11 years. I have a beautiful pic of her that I'll get tattooed once she passes - her name is Belle and - I just love her.

  • carla

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Daisy. I still miss my feline friends who have passed away. So true that they become part of the family! funny how cats can choose us as their owners, we had a few who did the same. My sympathies, carla

  • zeb

    we lost ours. he would have been 20 in March. I took him to the vets and while the vet was getting the needle ready i gave the cat a tin of the tuna I eat to distract him alittle.

    After the vet said it was a wonderful thing to do give him a last meal.

    I miss him terribly.

    and of course my condolences smiddy et al.

  • GromitSK

    Very sad. Lost my cat buddies too. Couldn't even talk about it for days after. What a privilege to have enjoyed their company though.

  • Lozza Aussie
    Lozza Aussie

    So sorry to hear about your cat smiddy. I understand how you feel. The last cat I had needed to be put to sleep. They are really a part of the family. I don't have any pets because I can't put myself through the pain of loosing them. My daughter has a lovely cat who gets into all sorts of mischief so I take a keen interest in him. He's a little devil sometimes but I love him. I cat sit him when she goes away which I enjoy.

  • Lozza Aussie
    Lozza Aussie

    Lovely cat LouBelle

  • Roberta804

    Sorry to hear about Daisy. it is sad that our little furry best friends do not live longer. I am a cat person, down to my last persian who is my very best friend. He is my little shadow, always on my lap or begging to be. He is 16 year old. I will miss him more than any living person in my life who has died recently including my parents.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Sorry to hear about your cat.


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