Well an old friend found me. Now I'm in her cross hairs to get active again.

by wha happened? 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?


    On one hand I'm glad she's ok. Rather sickly. But once she got word I've been inactive, she's all hot and bothered to get me back to meetings.

    "Did you attend the Memorial this year?"

    "No". I told you it's been like 10 years now"

    "Oh cmon, Adam?"

    "I told you. Why can't you accept the answer, 'I'm not interested'"


    I won't give her anything to discuss. But she's determined.

  • Roberta804

    Some people never get it.

  • franticfran

    I am using the "Leave it with me I will give it some thought" when I was pressed recently to attend the assembly.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Naw that implies there is a chance. I won't give her anything to hook her hopes on it

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Naw that implies there is a chance. I won't give her anything to hook her hopes on it.


    I too would never give any answer that implies there is a chance I would re-join this cult, or give any validity to it's bat-shit crazy teachings or life-style.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    She hasn't actually pinned me down into a conversation, but after several hit and run comments, I have the feeling it will never happen. I don't think she has a clue how to really pursue this, unless it's through fleeting hit and run comments, because she is always "With a study, on the way out in service or some other excuse to get off the phone so I don't challenge her on her dribble of an answer". Even though she called me.......

  • Phizzy

    I told one Bro who came round to get me back to the Meetings, "Since I left I have educated myself, so no thanks" he asked in what areas I had sought education, I told him History, including that of the WT and of the Bible, and Philosophy and Archaeology and the origins and evolution of man and added "etc etc".

    I then said, waving a hand in the direction of the mags he was holding "So I really have gone beyond all that".

    That probably made me sound a bit pompous and like a "Proud Apostate", but I hope it made him think about getting himself some education about the same kind of thing, perhaps starting with the history of the WT and of the Bible. You never know.

    At least my "No thanks" seems to have got through.

  • RubaDub

    Why not just tell people you will be back "soon."

    Rub a Dub

  • undercover

    "Did you attend the Memorial this year?"

    "No". I told you it's been like 10 years now"

    "Oh cmon, Adam?"

    "I told you. Why can't you accept the answer, 'I'm not interested'"

    You should go. There's a whole section of the talk about you and why Jesus had to die because of you. I'm sure you'd find it highly entertaining...

  • Phizzy

    So, with some notable contradictions, the Gospels trace Jesus' line back to Wha happened ?

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