JW's like when tragic events the Boston bombing happen.

by El_Guapo 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • El_Guapo

    So I get a text message this morning from an elder (also an old friend) from my hall. (mind you I haven't been to meetings in months) he says the following:

    Elder: Did you hear about what happend in BOS? It's it exciting that while everyone is scared we are reminded that our salvation is near?

    Me: What about the familes of the loved ones who parished or were injured? That's not exciting. Poor families :(

    Elder: We shouldn't worry, we know this going to happend and it will get worse, we need to be alert. Anyway we haven't heard of any witnesses being injured.

    Me: Bro, that's a sick way of thinking. That's like the NAACP saying that it not a big deal if no African American were killed or injured.

    Elder: Well you know how it is..... You coming to meeting this weekend?

    I didn't respond....

    It's sad to say it but in some sick , and twisted way JW's get off on horrible events like the one that occured yesterday.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I LOVE how you responded to his nonsense. LOVE IT!!!! That NAACP analogy was whewwww!!!!! Can it be any more apparent that so many JWs really could care less about what happens to non-JWs? All the while stating that they preach the good news because they love people. It's a joke. Heck, the average JW only cares about other JWs so much as it doesn't cramp their style.

    "Well you know how it is".....classic line when one doesn't know what to say. Have said it plenty enough times myself.

  • trujw

    Witnesses are truly apostle's of hate and apostle's of denial. This is why I feel this cult in dangerous there lack of love and true caring for people. This is a relgion that had their brightest and best sit in prisons for what is now a "conscious matter" with out a hint of apology and even tried to spin it as a good thing that men and women were in prison. How many were raped or died? Sick

  • sir82

    That is excellent, I have to remember that NAACP line.....

  • Londo111

    Tragedies = “Signs of the Last days” = God is soon to everlastingly kill seven billion people = As long as I get paradise, it’s all good!

  • Slavenomore

    I can just feel the love oozing from his self confirmation...good response EG! It honestly makes me sick to think i was a part of this mind control. It's just so f..king exciting seeing blood and gore o the streets. Is it? They would get a warm amen from the Westboro baptist church...those pagans had it coming to them. Did they? Meanwhile back at the ranch this guy has no problems touting the street creed of a pedophile protecting cult which gets all excited about innocents being killed. But then again they are just reflecting the "love" of the genocidal maniac they worship...that we also worshipped before being unplugged...who has promised to do much worse...

    Makes me feel ashamed.

    This elduhs moral and ethical and compassionate meter at zero and still going down.

    Sorry for the rant, but this attitude just infuriates me....ahhhhhgh...


  • undercover

    Had a similar thing happen to me after 9/11. I remember watching TV and being horrified at the events unfolding, but then shortly after, during an elder's sheparding call, they touted that horrible day as something to rejoice in because it could be the start of Armageddon. I wasn't as quick on my feet as you were, though I did take offense at their rejoicing at such horror.

    I think they've taken that "raise your head erect, for your deliverence is near" and misintrepreted it to, "rejoice in the trials of others, because 'we told you so' "

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    El_Guapo........................ . Jehovah's Witnesses = Bad Association.

    Just Lois

  • trujw

    This reminds me of my non JW aunt. She had no children and her husband pass away. She basically had no family in CA but me and my sisiters. Only me and my other sister who is out of the cult went to see her in the nursing home. My uber JW sister who is always pioneering with her elder husband would spend all this money to go to international assemblies and always talk down about everyone else. Not once did she visit our aunt even though they lived a few miles away. I had to travel 120 miles to visit one way. To think they couldn't even throw a magazine on her dying corpse to count time. Guess what when she died they were first in line to grab the money she had left us.

  • cobaltcupcake

    On 9/11 I was working for a JW boss, and she was positively ebullient about the tragedy unfolding. With sparkling eyes she said to me, "Oh, Sally, just imagine - you'll be able to tell your father (who had just passed away) that you saw the start of the Great Tribulation!"

    I said to her, "My god, Jean, thousands of people just died tragically!" I was still a Dub at the time, but even to my cult-controlled mind that was going way over the top.

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