Hey Adam I live in California so I *do* hear you.
But do you complain about the shitty customer service you get from the little teenage American assholes?
If you are really having THAT many problems at the drive thru, cut back on the fast food or say "MANAGER" in LOUD English, LOL.
Why not hire an English speaking crew to do the landscaping? If your girlfriend lives in an apartment and the management don't speaky no English she lives on the wrong side of the tracks, IMHO.
The best jobs are found through networking, not the local newspaper. If you wanna keep the leg up that speaking perfect English gives you, join a service organization like Rotary or something. There are a MILLION valid business contacts there, all of whom would LOVE to have an honenst dependable hard-working ENGLISH speaking employee.
Speaking of it being 'your own neighborhood,' are you living in the same city where you were born or have you moved?
We Americans are spoiled rotten and we need to give the have-nots a break. They would love to speak English. Like I said, go to an Adult Education class and you will SEE that these 'people' want to speak English.
Some nationalities have a VERY hard time getting rid of their accents when learning English. Well, I was raised in Upstate NY and everytime I made a yearly trip down south, I'll be damned if it wasn't like they were speaking another language! I couldn't understand *THEM* anymore than I can understand some Cambodian kid working at Burger King.
Crikey, if they weren't working you'd have something else to bitch about!