Please let me rant then I'll go back and read my Spider-man comics.
Why do those that promote end of time prophecy have to make it all current?
I guess if we were told at the book of Revelation for eg, (whatever chapter and verse), is for 3,000 years time I'd be surprised......and there's no money in it. Believers would be discouraged methinks.
It seems to me that all this apocalypse NOW stuff is just to give our turgid lives excitement. As Bill Nelson/Be Bop Deluxe sang in ''Adventures in a Yorkshire Landscape'' they are ''council house mystics''.
The bible among other books, can be cherry picked and interpreted how you want. The WBT$ are prime examples of that....and it seems all the churches have their own spin on things too.
Why won't we just admit we're just nothings, nobodies, specks in the scheme of things. Our passage through time won't be noticed. We are not that important. Delusions of grandeur being something that drives the WBT$ adherents. They lap up 'the end is nigh, in our lifetime' crap. They hope to see wonderous things.
They won't!
Nothing's going to happen. Oh, sure, perhaps some stuff will happen both good and catostrophic but not because the Bible or the Koran or some other equally useless book says so. It's just life! That's how it goes!
Even Charlie Tazers Rissole was applying scripture to his lifetime as was Judge Boozerfart. You know what? It was all total BS!!
Sorry to break it to you my lovelies but NOWT IS GONNA HAPPEN!
No armageddon, no rapture, no kurukshetra, not a thing not in our time or the future. It's all delusion as has been proven by history....naff all happened to prove the holy books either. Well, nothing that didn't require a bit of the old spin and play on words that is!!
Rant over. Thanks for listening.
Spider-man beccons (I thank my American friends and Jewish community there-in for Marvel Comics!!)