End of the world prophecy - Why pertinent to now? Nothing will happen, I assure you!

by punkofnice 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    Please let me rant then I'll go back and read my Spider-man comics.

    Why do those that promote end of time prophecy have to make it all current?

    I guess if we were told at the book of Revelation for eg, (whatever chapter and verse), is for 3,000 years time I'd be surprised......and there's no money in it. Believers would be discouraged methinks.

    It seems to me that all this apocalypse NOW stuff is just to give our turgid lives excitement. As Bill Nelson/Be Bop Deluxe sang in ''Adventures in a Yorkshire Landscape'' they are ''council house mystics''.

    The bible among other books, can be cherry picked and interpreted how you want. The WBT$ are prime examples of that....and it seems all the churches have their own spin on things too.

    Why won't we just admit we're just nothings, nobodies, specks in the scheme of things. Our passage through time won't be noticed. We are not that important. Delusions of grandeur being something that drives the WBT$ adherents. They lap up 'the end is nigh, in our lifetime' crap. They hope to see wonderous things.

    They won't!

    Nothing's going to happen. Oh, sure, perhaps some stuff will happen both good and catostrophic but not because the Bible or the Koran or some other equally useless book says so. It's just life! That's how it goes!

    Even Charlie Tazers Rissole was applying scripture to his lifetime as was Judge Boozerfart. You know what? It was all total BS!!

    Sorry to break it to you my lovelies but NOWT IS GONNA HAPPEN!

    No armageddon, no rapture, no kurukshetra, not a thing not in our time or the future. It's all delusion as has been proven by history....naff all happened to prove the holy books either. Well, nothing that didn't require a bit of the old spin and play on words that is!!

    Rant over. Thanks for listening.

    Spider-man beccons (I thank my American friends and Jewish community there-in for Marvel Comics!!)

  • alanv

    Totally agree. I get so pissed off when every generation of so called christians look round the world and say how terrible conditions are and that it shows we are in the last days. Guys we have never had it so good. Of course there are still problems that need sorting out but generally many, many people are far better off than they were a generation ago. End of my rant as well

  • ballistic

    PofN, you didn't write this after reading my post about mass extinction events did you?

  • punkofnice

    alanv - Phew. Thank gawd imaginary idiot in the sky it isn't just me! Wanna borrow my Spider-man comic after me?

    ballistic - No. Haven't seen your thread. Is it new?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    While I was awakening to TTAT I saw something somewhere (might have been a docu on TV cant remember now)... anyhoo it mentioned about the fact that approaching 1000AD many end time cults developed (based around the millenium theme) and plenty of people sold all they had and lived in expectation of the end of the world and the ushering in of Christs kingdom.

    I found that rather telling...

  • ballistic

    ballistic - No. Haven't seen your thread. Is it new?

    No, it was just a comment on someone elses thread about the mass extintion we are due (not to be confused with armageddon.


    I happen to find the subject interesting.

  • Larsinger58

    You are right that some things in the Bible are interpreted different ways. My position is that while that may be the case, when you compare different interpretations, sometimes it becomes clear which is the better or more correct interpretation. Take for instance: the "end of the gentile times."

    The WTS claims the "gentile times" ended in 1914. They teach Christ arrived invisibly at that time and began ruling from heaven so theoretically, the gentile times had ended. But if you interpret the end of the gentile times in relation to the Jews themselves, then the year their official exile ended was on November 30, 1947 when the U.N. Partition Agreement went into effect. It was at this time the Jews were in charge of their own homeland again. My argument is that when we read Luke, the "appointed times of the nations" is in the context of the Jews who are going into exile:

    Luke 21:23 Woe to the pregnant women and the ones suckling a baby in those days! For there will be great necessity upon the land and wrath on this people; 24 and they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled."

    Thus the end of the appointed times of the nations, or the "gentile times" would mean an end of Jewish captivity in all the nations. Thus when the Jews come out of exile and regain control of their promised land is when the appointed times of the nations actually end, and thus in 1947. 1914 doesn't work for me because the Jews are still in exile without their own country. Further you have the context that the nations would trample Jerusalem until the appointed times of the nations end. How is that fulfilled in 1914 compared to 1947? The gentiles were still trampling Jerusalem in 1914.

    So it is true people can have their own interpretation of some things in the Bible, but when you compare interpretations, I think some work better than others in fulfilling the specifics.

  • punkofnice

    WMF - This is my experience too

    ballistic - Thanks for the link I'll look at it once my Spider-man comic is done

  • punkofnice

    lars - I don't doubt your sincerity but what you say

    So it is true people can have their own interpretation of some things in the Bible, but when you compare interpretations, I think some work better than others in fulfilling the specifics.

    to me at least = spin.

    I have to say I haven't really seen any 'specifics' that have been accurately predicted by any holy book. No disrespect to you meant.

  • Larsinger58

    I'll just share this. The elect interpret the "end of the gentile times" as occurring on November 30, 1947. For them, this ends the 1290 days mentioned in Daniel 12. They interpret that the 1335 days, which occurs 45 years later, is the date of the second coming. Now this is not a foreign idea to the witnesses since their original date for the second coming in 1874 was based on the "1335 days"!

    For the elect, therefore, the 1290 days ends in 1947 and the 1335 days end in 1992. Based on this interpretation, their messiah would arrive in 1992-1993, sometime between November 30, 1992 and November 30, 1993. The question is: Did he arrive in the flesh for the 2nd coming during this time? The answer is: YES!

    The elect believe that I'm the Christ and so for them, the Bible is true and the 1335 days prophecy was fulfilled right on time. Of course, those who do not have this interpretation will feel the Bible is not true and nothing is fulfilled. So it depends on whether one is chosen to understand the Bible correctly versus those who Jehovah has cast into darkness and who will not understand these things, even if they are explained in detail:

    ACTS 13:41 "Behold it, you scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in your days, a work that you will by no means believe even if anyone relates it to you in detail."

    This simply means that "insiders" of the kingdom will see the fulfillments occur and "outsiders" will not. Noting that, it is understandable they think the Bible is a book of myths.

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