End of the world prophecy - Why pertinent to now? Nothing will happen, I assure you!

by punkofnice 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    My God man you just burst my bubble. I thought

    when I came on the stage of life the heavens opened

    up, the angeles sing glory Hallelujah, I,am here.

    So now I find out I,am about as important as a tick on

    a donkey ass. That sucks. Oh well.

  • punkofnice
    This simply means that "insiders" of the kingdom will see the fulfillments occur and "outsiders" will not. Noting that, it is understandable they think the Bible is a book of myths.

    Oh, behave you naughty thing.

    Well there you go. This is a propaganda statement if ever there was one. Using the book to prove the book doesn't work. It's circular. It's also demeaning.

    I challenge anyone that can accurately predict events by reading the Bible to give me a specific date when something will happen so I can watch for it!

    Let there be no excuses! No get out clauses of ''it doesn't work that way'' or similar.

    This is my challenge.

  • punkofnice

    jam - Sorry. We are just mortals. Equally as unimportant as each other. We are good geezers and geezeresses though.

  • Phizzy

    Dear old Punk, they ain't never goin' to take you up on that challenge, like you are still waiting for proof of a Bible prophecy that was fulfilled from a thread you did months ago.

    One day it will occur to these people that the Bible is nothing more than a book of poorly written fiction, with some inaccurate history and some proverbs and sayings that don't work too well added on.

    The bits in it that look like prophecy which then went on to get fulfilled are not, so why do they think the bits that look as though they may be future, purely because they haven't happened yet, are actual prophecy ?

    I will make a prophecy : here goes : silly Bible believing people, and others, will be making End-Time stuff up in 200 years time.

    Please let me know f I am proved a True Prophet.

  • punkofnice

    Phizzy -

    One day it will occur to these people that the Bible is nothing more than a book of poorly written fiction,

    with some inaccurate history and some proverbs and sayings that don't work too well added on.

    Too true blue!

    It would be nice to have something that would give us a real hope but it doesn't exist. We are born, we live, we die. End of!

  • Larsinger58
    PUNKOFNICE: I have to say I haven't really seen any 'specifics' that have been accurately predicted by any holy book. No disrespect to you meant.

    Well, here is an example of a specific. The "70 weeks." The 1st coming has to be coordinated in line with the 70 weeks. He specifically arrives at the beginning of the 70th week. The history of when Jesus began his ministry is specific, which is in the fall of 29 CE, connected to the 15th of Tiberias. Now that is on the books and fairly straightforward. So much so, JWs also recognize this specific and they indeed begin Jesus' ministry in 29 CE and also the 70th week.

    But once you establish this chronology where the 70th week for the 1st coming is from 29-36 CE, then this is a fixed chronology! It dates every other 70th week for Biblical application. Using this, though, you can calculate the year of the final 70th week for the Jews. That is, the Jews were punished and sent into exile and were to undergo a great tribulation (i.e. the Holocaust), after which a remnant would experience the restoration of their homeland to celebrate the 70th week! This is a period of 49 years, the first year of which would be a jubilee year and the year they would be released from captivity and restored to their homeland, that is, the official year their exile ends.

    Now that means that actual history and Biblical interpretation can be compared. Per 36 CE, if you count down X4 to our time, which is 1960 years, we know the 70th week would end in 1996.

    4 x 490 = 1960

    1960 + 36 = 1996.

    This means the jjubilee for the Jews also ends in 1996 and would begin 49 years earlier in 1947. So 1947 is the critical jubilee year which should have seen the Jews returning from exile and them gaining their homeland back, that is, the true "end of the gentile times." So what does history show us? It shows that on November 30, 1947, indeed, the official Jewish exile ended when they were granted there owh homeland back, a few months later they established the State of Israel. This was an important event. But it is also a specific historical event. Before this date they had no homeland, after this date, they did.

    So when someone has this particular interpretation, then it is quite impressive how the Exodus (1386 BCE), the return from Babylon (455 BCE) and the final jubilee return in 1947 all fall on jubilee years! It's just amazing. But also, since 36 CE is a fixed time that you can't really manipulate, every jubilee year is fixed as well, including 1947. So the jubilee cycle actually predicted the return of the Jews in 1947 and that is when it happened.

    The return in 1947 marks 1290 days. That means we are forced to calculate the 1335 days to 1992, which would be the date of the return of the messiah! So the messiah did return on December 25, 1992. His return would be secretive for the elect only until he becomes public after the "last hour" which is from 1991-1998, then he would be made public. Those who follow the bible closely would recognize he fulfills all the prophesies. But some will just say: "Oh, you can twist the Bible to fulfill anything you want to" and they will not pay attention. But the correct interpretation will be verified at Armageddon. Christ has to return for some time before Armageddon actually takes place. It has been 20 years since 1992 and the second coming. God is patient. The longer Armageddon is delayed it has to do with saving someone. But when it comes you will have to go with an interpretation where Christ's 2nd coming has already occurred. 1992 is the true date.

    So the chronology in the Bible works if you really get into it. A casual look doesn't do it, unfortunately, because there are so many lies and religious politics involved with the NB Period since that affects prophecy about the coming messiah.

  • Perry
    Prophecies Currently Being Fulfilled

    1. The Jewish people will be regathered in unbelief from the four corners of the earth ( Isaiah 11:11-12 ). Fulfillment: 20th Century and continuing.
    2. The state of Israel will be re-established ( Isaiah 66:7-8 & Ezekiel 37:21-22 ). Fulfillment: May 14, 1948.
    3. The Jews will once again re-occupy the city of Jerusalem ( Zechariah 8:4-8 ), Fulfillment: June 7, 1967.
    4. The land of Israel will be reclaimed from its desolation, becoming once again a land of agricultural abundance ( Ezekiel 36:34-35 ). Fulfillment: 20th Century and continuing.
    5. The Hebrew language will be revived from the dead ( Zephaniah 3:9 ). Fulfillment: 19th & 20th Centuries.
    6. All the nations of the world will come together against Israel over the issue of the control of Jerusalem ( Zechariah 12:1-3 ). Fulfillment: Currently occurring.
    Prophecies Yet To Be Fulfilled

    1. The Arab nations of the world will attack Israel in a coordinated effort to annihilate the state (Psalm 83).
    2. Israel will soundly defeat the Arab alliance ( Zechariah 12:6 ).
    3. Israel will dwell in security and prosperity ( Ezekiel 38:11 ).
    4. A Russian coalition consisting mainly of Muslim nations will invade Israel ( Ezekiel 38:1-17 ).
    5. The Russian coalition will be destroyed supernaturally by God ( Ezekiel 38:18-23 & 39:1-8 ).
    6. The Antichrist will intervene and guarantee the security of Israel, enabling the Jews to rebuild their Temple ( Daniel 9:27 ).
    7. At the end of three and a half years, the Antichrist will enter the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God ( Daniel 9:27 , Matthew 24:15-18 , & 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 ).
    8. The Jews will reject the Antichrist, and he will respond with an attempt to annihilate them, killing two-thirds of them in the process ( Revelation 12:13-17 & Zechariah 13:8-9 ).
    9. At the end of the Tribulation, when the Jews have come to the end of themselves, they will turn to God and receive Yeshua as their Messiah ( Zechariah 12:10 , Romans 9:27-28 , & Romans 11:25-27 ).
    10. Jesus will return and regather all believing Jews to Israel ( Deuteronomy 30:1-9 ).
    11. Israel will be established as the prime nation in the world ( Isaiah 2:1-4 & Micah 4:1-7 ).
    12. The Lord will bless the Jewish remnant by fulfilling all the promises He has made to Israel ( Isaiah 60:1-62:7 ).
    13. The blessings of God will flow out to all the nations through the Jewish people during the Millennial rule of Jesus ( Zechariah 8:22-23 ).
  • Perry

    The old testament prophets did not see the church age, or the millinium age to come. They only saw the mountain tops illustrated in the diagram below.

    One especially frightening prophecy is the disappearance of Damascus .... the oldest continually inhabited city in the world:

    The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap....And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not. - Is. 17

  • Larsinger58

    The "end of the church age" ended in 1996, when the covenants with Jews and JWs ends!


    Harold Camping understood the concept of the end of the church age as well. I consider that to be an "inspired" understanding.

  • jookbeard

    The Antichrist? more fantasy and BS!

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