ooooh ....... double double standards MAD SWEENY
you have done this before ... attacked me ... saying I'm stuck in JW judgemental mode ... you muppet ....and you have gotten away with it as I don't have enough posts to get into long discussions.
You don't know anything about me - NADA - YOU - are the one stuck in JW mentality - I feel sorry for what ever abuse you have suffered (whatever) but it doesn't give you license to ASS- UME and go around being abusive, offensive, angry and bitter.
Guess what, the world doesn't owe you. YOU are responsible for your life. For your actioons, and your actions speak volumes. I didn't cause all of this. Oh, no, Who did then ? I wonder.
Really it is unconsciousable that you would defend some of the things your 'friends' have said and done, by their own deeds. they have no one to blame but themselves. But it seems some of you are so sanctimonius and delusional - you just will not accept the facts. I hear people banging on about how it's a PUBLIC discussion forum ..... freedom of speech. until the finger is turned around and pointed right back at ya.
Who does that remind me of ... let me think ... oh yes, the very same people I hear everyone bitching and whingeing about all the time off people here. Things I never even heard of until I heard people here telling the truth about what is really going on in WT land.. and it disgusts me, I am ashamed to even mention the name JW and ex-jw - to be assocciated with something so vile.
The minute I found out about child abuse etc.. that was it. End of. Books in the bin. I will not give support or be associated with soemthing so disgusting, with so many disgusting, false, lying, hypocritical people in it's ranks, perpurtrating abuse on their 'brothers and sisters' like I said before, Christians my ass. they want to practice what they are preaching. Then you got people covering things up, hiding things, victims having to fight tooth and nail for justice. WT and Jw's.
I'm not bitter, I'm not angry. I don't hate anyone. I see the nastiness bitterness of ex-jws towards their former 'brothers and sisters' and I cringe, it makes me ashamed to say I am ex-jw on that basis alone. Oh and God forbid if anyone says they still believe in God and goodness and morality and standards, they get shot down.
If the cap fits as they say. You want to take a long hard look in the mirror. The truth hurts, get over it.
If you know them personally - SO WHAT. Go back to the beginning, and read through everything. Truth is truth and FACTS are facts .. the evidence is all there. If you haven't got the mental capacity and common sense to realise that - well, I am not responsible for your level of intelligence or mentality. I don't know, maybe being a JW mushed your brain a little ( if your ex-jw, I don't want to be presumptious )
STOP assuming you KNOW everything because they are your buddies. That is why you cannot be OBJECTIONAL - is there a vested interest on your part there - looks like.
ACTION speaks louder than words you know.
Take your glasses off - GET YOUR BIG FAT FOOT OUT OF YOUR BIG FAT MOUTH.... your getting upset cos someone who actually has a moral code and integrity is telling it EXACTLY LIKE IT IS.
SO ... maybe you want to take your own advice ..... it doesn't matter HOW LONG you have been here .... what a stupid statement to make ... oh my gosh ... it's your ball is it ... little temper tantrum there now ...... OH God, my heart is broken ... I have upset a CHILD and he is throwing his toys out of the pram .... tut.. tut .... suck on something to soother your frazzled little temper there. You don't own this BOARD.
This is about AAWA and the scandalous, shameful behaviour that ensued as a result. If you don't like what you hear - don't listen.
We had the piss took out of us proper. We cared about the people involved to try and put things right and limit damage control. How many chances were given. Lo and behold - it just kept getting worse the longer it went on and unraveled.
What you want to sweep it under the carpet and hide the truth. Really, cover it up. the fact that people were used, abused, lied to, insulted, veiled threats, lives wrecked. pleeeeeeeeeeeeease are you ever normal. ( oh, aren't they the kind of things that happen in WT - guilty by association, accessories to the crime I'm afraid )
I used to get upset and angry about this and the carry on as I humanely cared about Cedars & his nearest and dearest, who were taking the piss out of and tricking and conning people. Yeah, I saw through it from the get go... now I laugh about it, cos it's pathetic.
Those have have a brain know what I an talking about, I don't need to explain it. I certainly don't have to explain myself to you - your a nobody. If you lack morality and integrity and honesty because you want to cover up for your friends, then you are every bit as bad as them.
Have you got a vested interest in this BUSINESS. JIMMY SAVILLE did a lot of good work too you know, gave millions, look at what he did and all of the people who knew what was going on and turned a blind eye. Protecting their own selves, sacrificing children. Cover ups are cover ups and lies are lies, there is not excuse just cos it comes in a different package.
If people throw rocks .. you know what .. we throw them back... some of us have a better aim.
So if you thought you were going to attack me and embarrass me or hurt my feelings or upset me - YOU WERE WRONG. I've dealt with bigger and better than you and your little nest of friends.
So i suggest you STFU yourself... and grow a backbone for crying out loud. YOUR AN EMBARASSMENT.
nighty night now .. sleep tight .. don't let the bed bugs bite.
LOST no more - I have found the real TRUTH. Disgusting as it may be.
edited to add @ so sorry it's so long people, I know you have better things to do. But I don't have posts, had to get it all down.
Still thinking - thank you. hugs and kisses. to a fellow upstanding, moral person with some integrity. xx
I'd say if Jesus himself came down to sort this fiasco out they would crucify him all over again. turds.