Simon, you have a PM.
The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) [WARNING]
by Simon 226 Replies latest watchtower scandals
still thinking
I find the newbie thing to be lack of thinking on the posters part. They have nothing better to say than "newbie" it's laughable really.
As is comparing discussion/disagreement to going up to a stranger in a pub...LOL How is that relevant to whats happened here? It isn't. No one has gone up to some random poster and out of the blue called them names.
For F****sake! Please just delete this stupid s***!
If I see AAWA one more time I'll scream.
:pinky to mouth: muuuuuaaaaaahhhhaaaaaahhhhaawwa-hahah.
That's it. I'm screaming.
still thinking
I this point I'd be more than happy to see all the AAWA threads deleted. I'm so over them. And AAWA and their apologists.
Terry! Thank you for knowing how to disagree without being disagreeable.
Anyone else want to vote for all of these AWAA threads to come down and for us to rewind a few days.
This is just the ehight of ridiculousness at this point. People are aloud to feel differently, even to have strong feelings about those things. I think calling anything AWAA did something besides a mistake, is probably not accurate.
We are all adults. We all care about the same things. Can we jsut move on and use our time and direct our angst against what the real problem is.
Single gay father immigrants that are coming here to take our jobs, our guns, and unplug our brain dead ladies.
I've not been posting the last week due to my idiotic computer illiteracy within my cranium . I was reading as a " visitor " thinking I could not access my account as I typed in my password with some capital letters and lower case. It wouldn't let me post or come on as Flipper. When I typed in all lower case letters it let me come on as Flipper- very weird. I guess lower case is the way to go. Bizarre.
Anywho ! Nice to be back ! I've got a thing or three to say as well. Bottom line in my opinion is 1,300 people had the possibility of being outed to JW family or friends. Some HAVE been outed and are either suffering devastating repercussions personally by wacked out JW elders hate bombing them, or JW spouses putting them on the couch tonight or worse, or JW parents or children starting to shun them and octrasize them, perhaps for the rest of their lives. This is NOT a small or insignificant issue.
I have personally been shunned by my two adult JW daughters now for over 9 years . My crime ? Am I DFed ? Nope. Did I just stop attending meetings and have doubts ? Yep. My only crime is being an independent thinker and having doubts about the organization. So in my daughters eyes that puts me on the same level of judgment as an adulterer, murderer , child molester, drug abuser, rapist, terrorist, or the lowest form of pond scum.
And that is EXACTLY how JW relatives and friends WILL view their ex-JW friends and relatives who were " force joined " into the AAWA organization. It's irrelevant if it was done accidentally or non-intentionally. Even if it was done intentionally - the negative results remain the same. As Led Zeppelin once sang " The Song Remains the Same ". Look - I know that Cedars didn't MEAN to do harm. But the harm was DONE AFTER the initial exposure of these people was allowed to continue for 3 weeks for what reasons ? Ask yourselves ! To " save face " for the leaders of the AAWA organization ? Why ? It's like sinking in molasses and Simon offering Cedars and the others a stick to pull out of molasses and they refused claiming they knew better ! nope ! Didn't need any help. Just felt they were being " insulted " or " dissed ". When in actuality if this group had SHUT DOWN the site immediately - nobody would have gone through being outed. Or at least hardly anybody. And THAT is what has people in an uproar here.
Who has the right to infringe on people's personal relationships ? Who has the right to allow people's personal boundaries to be tresspassed on and trampled ? Nobody. Nobody. It's good that this site has been shut down now, but the JW horses and JW cows are out of the barn trampling down the other EX-JW farm animals. End of my rant. Put that in your peace pipe and smoke it
Actually, out of 31 threads in the Active Topics section on 2 pages, only 2 have AAWA in the title.
Is there a problem with skipping over topics one isn't interested in reading or discussing?
Just wondering