One thing. I wish someone would tell me where all these people are supposedly buying guns online because all the places I look online at guns state that you must transfer through an FFL holder.
Gabby Gifford, Families of New Town
by free2beme 86 Replies latest jw friends
One thing. I wish someone would tell me where all these people are supposedly buying guns online because all the places I look online at guns state that you must transfer through an FFL holder.
Exactly. The law already requires a background check because it is interstate commerce.
The CBS poll asked 1110 adults about gun control. Confine the questioning to people between the Appalachians and the California state line and I imagine the results would be different.
STB - here's another poll specifically on background checks -
Irrelevant, Sammielee. Even if support is a mile wide (and I don't trust those polls), it is an inch deep. That is not the case for the other side, and Senators in many states know that voting for it is a quick path to being replaced at the next election.
The CBS poll asked 1110 adults about gun control. Confine the questioning to people between the Appalachians and the California state line and I imagine the results would be different.
Exactly. What parts of the country did they call? Should people in NY and California be able to ram this crap down on people in Oklahoma? They can craft their own laws. Leave the rest of the country alone. Another thing, how did they phrase the questions? Did the question include details about a proposed system? Did it explain what it means, in terms of invasion of privacy, negation of due process rights, and paperwork for owners, government expenses, and if criminals would be subject to checks? Did it add loaded language like "for the children?" Mark Twain had something to say about these kinds of statistics.
The only place I know of is and it's some individuals selling to one another and a bunch of FFL holders who do background checks.
Mag limits and demonizing of certain features on guns does nothing positive however.
The legislation in question did not do this.
The legislation in question did not do this.
Yes it did. There were multiple votes on multiple amendments. The Manchin-Toomey amendment was just one of several this afternoon. It was a gun grabber bonanza.
Manchin-Toomey would not have prevented Newtown.
Whats the big deal about a background check anyways?
Think of this....when I go out to purchase alcohol (beer,wine,liquor etc..) they're supposed to ask for ID in the states to make sure you are of age.
This is of itself a check into my background, since they can see my date of birth on the ID as well as my full name etc. (generally address on it too)Why don't the vass majority get upset and make a fuss over this invasion of privacy?
It could even be argued that they can track all my/your purchases and how often you bought alcohol. (credit card,debit etc.)Something tells me this has less to do with privacy/background concerns and more to do with firearm sales.
Beks I never said this legislation did (Burns says it didn't so maybe he's right) but when you have mag limit laws go into affect in places like New York it tends to make some nervous. That's the point I was trying to make.