Gabby Gifford, Families of New Town

by free2beme 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    No doubt. Assholes are everywhere, even in your neck of the woods.

  • soontobe

    The corrupticrat's game:

    Gun control: President Obama’s biggest loss

    “Bribery isn’t what it once was,”said an official with one of the major gun-control groups. “The government has no money. Once upon a time you would throw somebody a post office or a research facility in times like this. Frankly, there’s not a lot of leverage.”

  • free2beme

    Can anyone tell me of a website I can by firearms and bullets online without ID and without a background check? I have looked and looked, as liberals keep saying they exist ... haven't found one yet.

  • DaCheech

    free2beme: They're just quoting liberal blogs "parroting"................... sounds familiar? (hint:watchtower study)

  • Giordano

    You want to meet some real you go.

    Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, surprised Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace on Sunday by claiming that universal background checks on gun purchases are a waste of time and provides a "‘false"’ sense of security. He proposed, instead saying that legislators should focus on eliminating gun-free zones in schools and other areas.

    Wallace was visibly surprised, pointing out that approximately 40% of gun sales happen without any screening. While federally licensed gun dealers are required to conduct background checks on gun purchasers to prevent dangerous persons, such as felons and the mentally ill, from gaining access to firearms. More than 6 million gun sales are unscreened – those from gun transfers, "“private"” sellers, and purchases at gun shows or made online do not fall under the requirement, a hole in the law often referred to as the "“Gun Show Loophole."

    Here's the actual exchange:

    WALLACE: "“So, let’s talk about universal background checks, because, I was surprised to find out…[that] in 40% of the sales there is no such screen on the person buying the gun. What is wrong with universal background checks?"”

    PRATT: "It is false security to think somehow we'll spot problems when there's really no way to spot these problems. Some of the most horrendous of the mass murders that have occurred recently including the one in Newtown would not have been stopped by a background check … And, so, to assume that this is going to be our firewall against …"

    WALLACE: "I don't think anybody is saying that it is a firewall. What is wrong with the idea, if you get a gun whether you buy from a registered dealer or a private sale, that you have to go through background checks just in case, to find out whether somebody has one or has a mental health problem?"

    PRATT: "We are wasting our time and going in that direction when we should be talking about doing away with the gun-free zones which have been so convenient, such a magnet to those who would come and slaughter lots of people knowing no one will be legally able to defend themselves in these zones."

    Of course background checks are not a waste of time. That is why 94% of police chiefs, 87% of Americans, and 74% of NRA members support requiring a criminal background check of anyone purchasing a gun.

    And, of course, this debate is supposedly about the safety of our students from rampage killers. So why not ask them? A staggering 92% of high school students support criminal background checks.

    Finally, Pratt's position – to increase the number of guns in circulation – makes no sense without a plan to make sure the guns being provided are well-regulated and not being placed in the hands of criminals, people with severe mental health problems, undocumented persons, drug addicts or anyone else who shouldn't have access to a gun. His proposals only make sense in the context of swelling gun sales.

    Background checks are supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans, including gun owners. There are plenty of indications that some Republicans also support them. See Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.), rated A+ by the NRA, who commented Friday that he was open to revisions of background check laws. "You know, you're buying a used weapon from somebody and then basically no background check," he said, noting that with current technology it would not be hard to run such a check using a smartphone.

    As Pratt takes a hard-line position on background checks, he should be wary not to discredit himself or the gun lobby. Other gun advocates have tread on risky territory lately; on Friday, Tactical Response CEO James Yeager showed no tact in his response to proposed gun control measures by yelling, "if it goes one inch further, I'm going to start killing people." Gun Appreciation Day chairman Larry Ward suggested on Friday's CNN Newsroom that if African Americans were armed, "perhaps slavery might not have been a chapter in our history." And finally, talk show host and conspiracist Alex Jones "hysterically screamed at and patronizingly mocked" pro-gun-control CNN host Piers Morgan, possibly damaging the gun rights lobby.

  • Giordano

    On Line Gun Sales......... Do some god damn research before you shoot your mouth off!

    a recent investigation by New York city officials disclosed. The focus was on Internet gun sales, which looked at 125 online advertisers in 14 states, including Wisconsin, where four of six sellers were willing to sell to people they thought couldn't pass a background check. Overall, 62% of the 125 sellers were willing to make the illegal sales. Here's the full report.

    This is what an illegal online gun sale sounds like:

    Investigator: “No background checks?”

    Seller: “No, I just take cash, and there you go!”

    Investigator: “…That’s good because I probably couldn’t pass one of those things.”

    Seller: [Laughs]

    " Federally licensed firearms dealers are required to conduct background checks on all buyers to prevent sales to felons, the mentally ill, domestic abusers and other prohibited purchasers. 4 These screenings are required whether the sale is made on Main Street or over the internet.

    But unlicensed "private sellers" – those who are not "in the business" of selling firearms – do not have to conduct background checks.

    5 These sales – which take place in many venues, including gun shows and, increasingly, on the internet – account for about 40 percent of U.S. sales, and fuel the black market for illegal guns. 6 And they leave no electronic or paper trail behind them.

    The results:

    prohibiting firearms listings. The City also investigated unlicensed sellers on Armslist (54% failure rate), Gunlistings (77% failure rate), (67% failure rate) and Glocktalk (78% failure rate).

    The private sale loophole and the private-sector failures that enable too many unscrupulous individuals to sell guns online, and too many dangerous people to buy them, should be reformed. It is entirely possible to do so without restraining the legal trade in firearms among law-abiding sellers and buyers.

    • 62 percent of private gun sellers agreed to sell a firearm to a buyer who said he probably couldn’t pass a background check.

    • City investigators posing as illegal purchasers asked five of these sellers to meet in person and exchange the guns for cash. All five agreed. The investigators bought four handguns and a semi-automatic assault rifle while recording the transaction with hidden cameras.

    • Private sellers on Craigslist had the highest failure rate – roughly 82 percent – even though the site has a policy

  • soontobe
    On Line Gun Sales......... Do some god damn research before you shoot your mouth off!

    I think you are the one who needs to STFU, because you have no clue. Have you ever bought a gun online? Have you ever sold one? Your cluelessness makes me really doubt it.

    So tell me Giordano, you genius, how is expanding background checks going to stop those online sales? Hmmm? They are already against the law.

    Let's do a hypothetical to laugh at your superior research skills.

    Let's say you and I make a deal here on PM. I sell you my gun. It's a private sale. You give me $300. I give you a .38 SPL.

    No background check. How is anyone ever going to know?

    It's an unenforceable statute, and that makes it a bad law.

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