Thank you Lois, I was mentally lost and should have used your "Taxi Illustration" and 'waiting on Jehovah", I wish I had you there when these buffons were trolling for anything to nail me with. You have been very helpful, I pity my close friend who feels stuck to the Organization even though he knows it's a cult, he is truly a prisoner of the GB's conscience. Thank you so much, I think I am going to head to bed and hope my heart stop's palpatating from their evil! Peace and Love Sister Lois!
My Meetings With Two Elders Today, "I am not a Christian and I am going to Die!"
by ÁrbolesdeArabia 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
ArbolesArab- I love your question which I highlighted in yellow:
CLASSIC question, I laughed when I read what you wrote here,
Me: "Can you please show me from the Bible what you are talking about?
That nails it. They cannot show you from the Bible what they are talking about
because none of it is in the Bible.
"the Faithful Slave, those who refuse to submitt to them" ????? Creepy
The faithful slave/steward was a parable about taking care of God's 'household'
in other words its about how we treat each other, not about "submitting" to
a power structure of absolute authority and being in obedience to mere men.
Wipe off the dust from this mean spirited meeting and rejoice, like the scripture
says " Arise and let the Christ shine upon you" The veil is being torn from your eyes
so it will take a while to regain your sight and find your bearings.
l p
Arbo...I really feel for you.....can you just avoid them at all cost...dont talk to them anymore...dont talk to them giving them any evidence on you....
please dont let them disfellowship you and use that to make out that YOU are the one that is EVIL.....
if you must make a response to the threats of death to your about you respond: I will inform the local police department to speak with you two about this as you are threatening my childrens lives and this needs a criminal is illegal to threaten someones i'll let the cops know and they can get to the bottom of what your comments REALLY mean
l p
i reckon doing that takes it away from being scriptual and spiritual and a discussion and debate over theology and if you do go to the police play dumb with the police and say you dont really know what they really mean by threatening your life and your families...let the cops investigate...
and whatever outcome from the cops it will hopefully legally make an example of how this kind of speech is hate speech and threatening...and if no one ever does this and stands up then that organisation will never be held to account.... is ILLEGAL to threaten anyone....and they have THREATENED you and your family with DEATH if YOU DO NOT COMPLY....they need to answer to the authorities
I have often fantasized about handling my exit differently but in the end, my quiet, undisturbed exit was best, demonstrating my ability to be peaceable. I have learned from reading many examples here on JWN that arguing with the company men would have served no beneficial purpose and would have only riled me up.
You're not losing everything. You've been a solid source of Christian encouragement right here. I've enjoyed reading your posts and hope you continue on for a long time.
The Searcher
Six Scriptures reveal that Jesus is going to judge the living and the dead;
Acts 10:42, Acts 17:31, Romans 14:9, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 2 Timothy 4:1 and 1st Peter 4:5.
Ask your elders, which human being on earth has the right to judge someone as fit for everlasting death, thereby usurping Christ as Judge?
Each will render an account before God, not before men!
Nothing that men can do to us will separate us from God's love through Christ - only we can do that! (Romans 8:35-39)
Arbolesde , you asked me a question on another thread about why the WT. does not attack Muslims , which I have answered . From my answer you will see that I feel that the WT. is not a true Christian org to say the least . I have never been a JW. so I am not qualified to comment on how you feel now , I can't imagine the rage , disappointment , sorrow etc that you must be feeling . I just want to say that you mentioned Jesus and His love , please hang onto that , do not lose faith in Yaweh just because of these people . I really feel ( and others also ) that the WT. just kept people from a personal relationship with Jesus and Yaweh by putting itself in the place of Jesus as intermediary between God and man .
PLease keep reading your bible , maybe a different one from the NWT which is doctored and find your own faith solely from scripture . God bless you
oh wow i had no clue aboutyour background. i have so much respect for you! i wish were more like you!! i hope someone on here can help!! and just to comment on how some elders are in your area.. yeah thatt sounds like it is here. hypericites... but i can't judge and now that i'm no longer jw i just feel sorry for them that they can't see what i see now, even your post here gives me reassurance there are ones that have a conscience and are making efforts to do the right thing.
You are going to die.
So are the elders. The difference is, they have deluded themselves into thinking they won't.
The acceptance of mortality is so freeing. You are free to be a truly good person and enjoy the gift of life instead of following rules and a lifestyle invented by someone else.
AA - I am sorry for you. This is where I was 3 years ago. I just decided to walk away from it altogether. No discussion. No questions. I stopped cold turkey. I lost my family because of it but at least I stood up for myself.
What response would you use about "You don't want to die"
This is just an appeal to fear. Ignore it.
''What true Organization will you go to?"
This is just a thought stopper. Who said there was even a true 'organization'? It implies the WBT$ is true. We know it isn't. It only has 2 options whereas real life has multitudes of options.
For those that belive in the Bible we all know that Jesus and Peter were not talking about 'where to go' but to 'whom' meaning Jesus......not an organisation!
"Your kids will die and it will be your fault!"
Appeal to fear! Threats. Ignore these. It's just WBT$ propaganda. If you believe Jesus is your savior then he won't murder any of your family.
Me, I don't believe but you will find your own path and it'll be away from the WBT$ looking forward.