really, whats the argument for not just deleting the group and starting over?
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis 423 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Do we need to form an "Anti Association of Anti Watchtower Activists" group?
It seems you have already formed a loose one on this very forum.
Don't think we haven't noticed your thread, posted under "scandals and cover-ups," which you have written deliberately to rank highly on Google whenever our name is typed in.
You haven't made as many posts in years as you have made over this past 2 weeks regarding AAWA. Something has clearly hit a nerve. What is curious is that you are leaping on us with such enthusiasm despite my helping you cover over your own privacy issues just over a month ago when I brought it to your attention that you were posting everyone's approximate locations on your prototype website
If this individual Sic Semper Tyrannis has genuine problems, then please let us investigate them without trying to use this poor man's suffering as currency in what is clearly, for you, a very personal crusade.
But only members can see other members in a "secret" group.
Yeah, any one of those other members who they have NO IDEA who they are could have done it.
Want to know who's in the group? Just ask to join ...
Plus it wasn't always secret ...
Plus it wasn't always secret ...
And there is the delima. Was it or wasn't it and who can prove it with evidence and not hearsay? He said she said does not cut it.
Aren't the members that ask to join being screened and cleared?
Sic - according to your story
What a smarmy choice of words. This isn't about "stories" or "proof". It is about your utter disregard for the wellbeing of others. It is not up to others to prove to your satisfaction that they may be harmed by having been added to your Facebook page without their consent. It is up to you to fix a situation where people were added to your page without their consent by removing the Facebook page. Any risk of potential harm, no matter how small you perceive it to be, should be more than enough reason to remove a simple Facebook page, for goodness sale. Having over a 1000 unwitting members of your Facebook page should be no source of pride. It is a pure embarrassment as long as it continues.
cedars: good luck with your group, but why not just delete and remake the facebook group?
And there is the delima. Was it or wasn't it and who can prove it with evidence and not hearsay?
The guy with the Mexican hat admitted as much in an earlier post - and he was supposed to be running the thing. (Although he admitted he didn't really know how Facebook works!) Plus we have the experience rebel8 and Dagney about it appearing in time lines. Unless you want to call them liars...
No slim I dont want to call them liars nor do I want to call AAWA liars. Thus the reason I posted what you quoted.
Please can you email me with further details.... [email protected] ...I would like to look into this.
How many times are you going to "look into it" before you actually do something? Are you going to come back with "nope, we've decided there's no problem" again? At least you're replying now which is better and appreciated.
It seems you have already formed a loose one on this very forum.
Don't think we haven't noticed your thread, posted under "scandals and cover-ups," which you have written deliberately to rank highly on Google whenever our name is typed in.
Yes, seeing as YOU were not doing anything and actively covering up what had happened, I felt that people at least deserved to have a warning to try and prevent anyone suffering as a result of your continued inaction and denial.
You haven't made as many posts in years as you have made over this past 2 weeks regarding AAWA. Something has clearly hit a nerve. What is curious is that you are leaping on us with such enthusiasm despite my helping you cover over your own privacy issues just over a month ago when we brought it to your attention that you were posting everyone's approximate locations on your prototype website
Yes, this hit's a fucking nerve. I have lost contact with many of my immediate family because of this org and it pisses me off to see people put their ego above letting it happen to others, just so they can brag about having some number of people on facebook.
You didn't "help with any cover up" because there wasn't one. You reported that the new prototype site was showing the region and country where you were located and I fixed it. Did I ask you not to tell anyone or hush it up? No. That's not a cover up and I don't think showing that there is "an anonymous person on the internet posting from Alberta, Canada" is really news to anyone or really exposes anyone's identity. Not like linking things to their real name on facebook for friends and family to see!
Funny though, all you could focus on when this AAWA fiasco kicked off was trying to shut me up with the threat of "revealing" this big cover-up scandal that you imagine. I think your priorities are misguided at best and suspicious at worst.
If this individual Sic Semper Tyrannis has genuine problems, then please let us investigate them without trying to use this poor man's suffering as currency in what is clearly, for you, a very personal crusade.
You still don't get it?
You think everyone is out to get you?
People are pissed for two reasons:
1. What you have done and continue to allow to happen.
2. Your reaction to it which IMO has been arrogant and shitty.Now, get your finger out of your ass and DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE MESS YOU HAVE CREATED.
The fact is rebel8 and dagney have said this has happened. So to claim there is no evidence it ever happened, or that Cedars needs more "proof" before he can act, is to call them liars, pure and simple. What more proof do you need than people saying "look, this happened to me", for goodness sake.