Has anyone actually ever met Cedars?
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis 423 Replies latest watchtower scandals
wha happened?
good point SBF
I just wonder. I just assumed his real identity was known to the other "board" members. Maybe not.
I wonder if the other founding members of AAWA ever met personally Cedars - beyond perhaps telephone calls and emails.
Wow, look what happens when I go and get my beauty sleep: not only do I wake up just as ugly as the day before, but all this too !!
If ever there was a demonstration of the First Law of Holes, the AAWA have given it to us:
"When you're in a hole, stop digging"
At every stage, they have had the opportunity to make things right and end this but it seems instead they just try to come up with new ways to make things worse. So, lets not accuse them of not accomplishing anything so far because wow, that is quite an achievement. To stubbornly cling to a mistake and refuse to budge despite it killing your organization is, well 'amazing'.
The AAWA people added the names and did the damage. They tried to claim it was others. These were lies. All we've had since then is more lies, spin and attempts to cover things up and silence people.
I thought it was just Cedars but it seems like other people are fully on board with the approach.
They're still open for business though and touting for donations. That's the main thing eh? Well, it seems to be to them. Seriously, does anyone think they are concerned about people at all because I have yet to see any evidence of it and plenty that says otherwise.
If I were an American citizen I would be complaining to the state where the company was registered. Seriously, think about it:
"Please send donations to a company run by an anonymous guy somewhere in Europe and the guy who swears he lives in his house"
Yeah, that's how legit companies you can trust are setup.
The AAWA is now officially dead as far as I'm concerned because they have blown it and can NEVER have people's trust after pulling these stunts. People tried to help and point out ways they could stop all this but they just don't care and their reaction is to a) deny any problems, b) blame the victims and c) lash out and retaliate. These are not the kind of qualitites that you want in an organization that will supposedly deal with sensitive issues such as abuse.
Blaming me and JWN for all this is them missing the point and failing to look inward and still, let's not forget, fixing the actual problem as people have been requesting. They are killing themselves because of stubbornly refusing to delete a group. They are outing people and causing damage to the community.
They truly do remind me of the Jehidists who turn on the population because they blame them for not giving the level of support they expect and not being radical enough like they are and in doing so, become more isolated, more hard-line and extreme and less generally supported. So, the Association of Anti WatchTower Activists (still, THE most retarded name imaginable) now doesn't think the exJW community is important to them or their target audience and anyone is a fair target. Wow. Speechless.
I wonder if the other founding members of AAWA ever met personally Cedars - beyond perhaps telephone calls and emails
I've been wondering the same thing. It's quite something to sign officuial documents saying the guy lives at your house if you've only had emails or even phone calls. Hell, I'd be wanting notarised birth certificates and passport photos to trust putting my name and address to something like that. I wonder if they think he lives in the UK because I think he wanted to give that impression.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
"Please send donations to a company run by an anonymous guy somewhere in Croatia and the guy who swears he lives in his house"
Careful... As cedars said, people have been sued for less...!
I got cheeky a few days ago and read a few of John Cedars twitter feeds. He got cross with a newsfeed that he claimed was 'anti-Croat'. That pretty much gave it away for me. Either Croatia or the former Yugoslavia.
Considering all his high profile 'work' and goals, cedars kind of appears out of nowhere. If you go through his list of threads, he does not have any introductory thread that gives him solid credentials. While that isn't a an issue w the average jwn poster, i think for someone who has such lofty aims, it is something to have a look at.
He got cross with a newsfeed that he claimed was 'anti-Croat'.
Interesting how he reacts to and labels anyone who disagrees with his personal opinion ...
Focussing on a single bad word usage as a reason for not continuing a dialogue is merely an excuse, a drummed up reason - bs. Its making a mountain out of a sand grain, a form of manipulation that can be used against an average caring person. Its exactly the kind of thing that a controller, a control freak, a person w a pathological need to control/manipulate others would do.