What Are The Chances of Someone "Going Postal" At Bethel?

by frankiespeakin 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    We all know that the Governing Body are playing a dangerous game with peoples lives. Getting people to devote their lives to the cause of the of the Watchtower corporation and then finding out it was all a lie/delusion only to be even more mistreated by them if speak out about it.

    I think it is a very dangerous situation they are in even right there at bethel, and here is why:

    As knowledge increases about the lies and underhandedness of the Governing Body and their cruel policies,, more and more people are begining to hate the Governing Body, the more likely that someone in their midst "going postal"(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Going_postal).

    I think the likelihood increases as the cruelty of the Governing Body increases. As failed predictions become more and more harder to justify and the internet exposure becomes more intensified the less safer they are in their own little fortress, as many in their midst are waking up to the Truth about the truth.

    I know the rage that one feels towards the leaders of this cult when they first learn that they have been decieved and realize they are going to be DF'd for speaking the truth about the truth loosing everything that ever mattered to them, because I was at one time experiencing it. So to me it would come as no surprise if someone at bethel finally lost it and went postal in an effort to get vengence on the leaders who's lies put them in a very difficult situation causing a feeling of hopeless and nothing left to live for, so feel the only option left is to turn to violence on their oppressors.

    I really think the odds are not that great for this to happen, the Governing Body in my opinion are sitting on a potential powder keg smoking a cigarette. The more cruel acts they commit on the rank and file the greater the possiblity of bringing about this situation of someone going postal.

    The no blood policy is another potentially dangerous situation for the Governing Body as rank and file members loose more and more family members due to this eddict. I can't even begin to approximate the feelings of rage and sadness a parents would feel if they found out the Truth about the truth and had lost a son or daughter because they had followed the Governing Body's restriction on blood use.

    I seriously think these things are all adding up to spell disaster, the Governing Body is playing with fire and one of these days the likelihood of it happening a very real possiblity, sort of like playing russian roulette.


    Going postal, in American Englishslang, means becoming extremely and uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence, and usually in a workplace environment.

    The expression derives from a series of incidents from 1983 onward in which United States Postal Service (USPS) workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, and members of the police or general public in acts of mass murder. Between 1986 and 1997, more than forty people were gunned down by spree killers in at least twenty incidents of workplace rage.


    The earliest citation is December 17, 1993 in the St. Petersburg Times:

    The symposium was sponsored by the U.S. Postal Service, which has seen so many outbursts that in some circles excessive stress is known as 'going postal.' Thirty-five people have been killed in 11 post office shootings since 1983. The USPS does not approve of the term "going postal" and have made attempts to stop people from using the saying. Some postal workers, however, feel it has earned its place appropriately. [ 1 ]

    December 31, 1993 in Los Angeles Times:

    Unlike the more deadly mass shootings around the nation, which have lent a new term to the language, referring to shooting up the office as "going postal." [ 2 ]

    [edit] Notable postal shootings

    Main article: List of postal killings
    [edit] Edmond, Oklahoma in 1986

    On August 20, 1986, 14 employees were shot and killed and six wounded at the Edmond, Oklahoma, post office by Patrick Sherrill, a postman who then committed suicide with a shot to the forehead. [ 3 ]

    [edit] Ridgewood, New Jersey in 1991

    A former United States postal worker, Joseph M. Harris, killed his former supervisor with a sword, and shot his girlfriend at their home. The following morning, on October 10, 1991, Harris shot and killed two employees at the Ridgewood, New Jersey Post Office. [ 4 ]


    The earliest citation is December 17, 1993 in the St. Petersburg Times:

    The symposium was sponsored by the U.S. Postal Service, which has seen so many outbursts that in some circles excessive stress is known as 'going postal.' Thirty-five people have been killed in 11 post office shootings since 1983. The USPS does not approve of the term "going postal" and have made attempts to stop people from using the saying. Some postal workers, however, feel it has earned its place appropriately. [ 1 ]

    December 31, 1993 in Los Angeles Times:

    Unlike the more deadly mass shootings around the nation, which have lent a new term to the language, referring to shooting up the office as "going postal." [ 2 ]

    [edit] Double event in 1993

    Two shootings took place on the same day, May 6, 1993, a few hours apart. At a post office in Dearborn, Michigan, Lawrence Jasion wounded three and killed two (including himself). In Dana Point, California, Mark Richard Hilbun killed his mother, then shot two postal workers dead. [ 6 ] [citation needed]

    As a result of these two shootings, in 1993 the Postal Service created 85 Workplace Environment Analysts for domicile at its 85 postal districts. These new positions were created to help with violence prevention and workplace improvement. In February 2009, the Postal Service unilaterally eliminated these positions as part of its downsizing efforts. [ 7 ]

    [edit] Goleta, California, in 2006

    Jennifer San Marco, a former postal employee, killed six postal employees before committing suicide with a handgun, on the evening of January 30, 2006, at a large postal processing facility in Goleta, California. [ 8 ]

    Police later also identified a seventh victim dead in a condominium complex in Goleta, California where San Marco once lived. [ 9 ]

    According to media reports, the Postal Service had forced San Marco to retire in 2003 because of her worsening mental problems. Her choice of victims may have also been racially motivated; San Marco had a previous history of racial prejudice, and tried to obtain a business license for a newspaper of her own ideas, called The Racist Press, in New Mexico.

    This incident is believed to be the deadliest workplace shooting ever carried out in the United States by a woman. [ 10 ] [ 11 ]

    [edit] Baker City, Oregon, in 2006

    Grant Gallaher, a letter carrier in Baker City, Oregon, pleaded guilty to the April 4, 2006 murder of his supervisor. [ 12 ] He reportedly brought his .357 Magnum revolver to the city post office with the intention of killing his postmaster. Arriving at the parking lot, he reportedly ran over his supervisor several times. Subsequently he went into the post office looking for his postmaster. Not finding the postmaster, he went back out to the parking lot and shot his supervisor several times at close range, ostensibly to make sure she was dead. He then reportedly fired several more bullets into the supervisor's car.

    Grant Gallaher reportedly was on a new route for three weeks and had felt pressured by a week-long work-time study and an extra twenty minutes added to his new route. [citation needed] On the day of his rampage, he reportedly was ahead of schedule on his route and his supervisor brought him more mail to deliver. He allegedly decided to take the matter up with his postmaster on his cell phone and then went home to get his .357 Magnum revolver to exact his revenge. The work climate had reportedly improved from what it was in 1998, the year a union steward, age fifty-three, at the Baker City post office committed


    Researchers have found that the homicide rates worker at postal facilities were lower than at other workplaces. In major industries, the highest rate of 2.1 homicides per 100,000 workers was in retail. The next highest rate of 1.66 was in public administration, which includes police officers. The homicide rate for postal workers was 1.48 per 100,000. [ 13 ]

    However, not all murders on the job are directly comparable to "going postal". Taxi drivers, for example, are much more likely to be murdered by passengers than by their peers. Working in retail means one is exposed to store robberies. In 1993, the United States Congress conducted a joint hearing to review the violence in the U.S. Postal Service. In the hearing, it was noted that despite the postal service accounting for less than 1% of the full-time civilian labor force, 13% of workplace homicides were committed at postal facilities by current or former employees. [ 14 ]

  • ShirleyW

    Surprised it hasn't happened already, but it probably has on an individual basis, I guess they just called EMT and that person was taken out in restraints or something

    I can imagine folks sitting at the table during breakfast when some GB is droning on and you just wanna shout out and scream "this is total bullshit" but you have to keep it to yourself !

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Not possible.

    ...Because this is "the most loving Organization on earth".

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Surprised nothing of that nature has happened yet myself. Not saying it's overdue either, as I wouldn't want to see something like that happen as most JWs, Bethelites, and I'm sure even some WT Heavyweights & GB are ok people, just hopelessly set in their belief system. Forgive them for they know not, although quite a few do know, and if something did happen, well.........shrugs shoulders........

  • frankiespeakin

    I remember a few years after I left bethel, I returned to see some friends there, and was told that they dismissed a bethelite because he had an arsenal of guns in his room, and then gave talks about having guns at bethel are not allowed.

    They have been very lucky so far that no gun violence has occurred at bethel, some suicides like Wheelock and others, but at least no gun violence.




  • frankiespeakin

    I voice this as a concern because I'm starting to understand "instincts" and what triggers them and how they can be projected on to other people.

    Take these terrorist attacks to me they exemplify the violent instinct to get revenge at what ever cost. When a violent instinct become activated a persons consciousness becomes the instincts consciousness in effect the normal ego type of consciousness gets over written and a dormant archetype get called to action lowering ones normal consciousness so as not to sympathize with who gets the brunt force of their rage the rage state itself lowering consciousness to where one can't even really see what he is doing.

    With all this terrorist attention it enlivens the archetype into action more easily and so I worry for the safety of the GB and urge them to alter their course so that innocent people will not get hurt.

    It is just like after a crime they expect all these copy cat type of recurrences, to me it strongly resembles teasing an archetype out of a few who's circumstances are ripe for it to happen.

    Just look at the record of a spree of killings that happened after the 1st publicized postal killing. Many postal workers then entertained the idea and in some it brought forth the archetype.

  • frankiespeakin


    If you read this I want to thank you for mentioning Positive Disintegration to me.


    listen to one's inner sense of what one ought to do.

    [edit] Level III: Spontaneous Multilevel Disintegration

    Level III describes a new type of conflict: a vertical conflict between two alternatives that are not simply different, but that exist on different levels. One is genuinely higher and the other is lower in comparison. These vertical conflicts initially arise from involuntary perceptions of higher versus lower choices in life. You just look at something, maybe for the 1000th time (to use the words of G. K. Chesterton), and it strikes you — you see this one thing differently and once you do, it changes things. You can no longer "go back and see it the way you did before." Dabrowski called this vertical dimension multilevelness. Multilevelness is a gradual realization of the "possibility of the higher" (a phrase Dabrowski used frequently) and of the subsequent contrasts between the higher and the lower in life. These vertical comparisons often illustrate the lower, actual behavior of a person in contrast to higher, imagined ideals and alternative idealized choices. Dabrowski believed that the authentic individual would choose the higher path as the clear and obvious one to follow (erasing the ambivalences and ambitendencies of unilevel conflicts). If the person's actual behavior subsequently falls short of the ideal, internal disharmony and a drive to review and reconstruct one's life often follow. Multilevelness thus represents a new and powerful type of conflict, a conflict that is developmental in Dabrowski's approach.

    These vertical conflicts are critical in leading to autonomy and advanced personality growth. If the person is to achieve higher levels, the shift to multilevelness must occur. If a person does not have the developmental potential to move into a multilevel view, then he or she will fall back from the crises of Level II to reintegrate at Level I. In the shift to multilevelness, the horizontal (unilevel), stimulus-response model of life is replaced by a vertical and hierarchical analysis. This vertical view becomes anchored by one's emerging individual value structure, and all events are seen in relation to personal ideals. These personal value ideals become the personality ideal: how the person wants to live his or her life. As events in life are seen in relation to this multilevel, vertical view, it becomes impossible to support positions that favor the lower course when higher goals can be identified (or imagined).

    [edit] Level IV: Directed Multilevel Disintegration

    In Level IV the person takes full control of his or her development. The involuntary spontaneous development of Level III is replaced by a deliberate, conscious and self-directed review of life from the multilevel perspective. This level marks the real emergence of the third factor, described by Dabrowski as an autonomous factor "of conscious choice (valuation) by which one affirms or rejects certain qualities in oneself and in one's environment". [ 9 ] The person consciously reviews his or her existing belief system and tries to replace lower, automatic views and reactions with carefully thought out, examined and chosen ideals. These new values will increasingly be reflected in the person's behavior. Behavior becomes less reactive, less automatic and more deliberate as behavioral choices fall under the influence of the person's higher, chosen ideals.

    Social mores are reviewed and re-accepted by a conscious internalization when the individual feels it is appropriate. Likewise, when the person feels it is proper, a social value is reviewed and may be rejected to be replaced by a self perceived higher alternative value. One's social orientation comes to reflect a deep responsibility based on both intellectual and emotional factors. At the highest levels, "individuals of this kind feel responsible for the realization of justice and for the protection of others against harm and injustice. Their feelings of responsibility extend almost to everything". [ 10 ] This perspective results from seeing life in relation to one's hierarchy of values (the multilevel view) and the subsequent appreciation of the potential of how life could be, and ought to be, lived. One's disagreements with the (lower level) world are expressed compassionately in doing what one can to help achieve the "ought."

    Given their genuine (authentic) prosocial outlook, people achieving higher development also raise the level of their society. Prosocial here is not just support of the existing social order. If the social order is lower and you are adjusted to it, then you also reflect the lower (negative adjustment in Dabrowski's terms, a Level I feature). Here, prosocial is a genuine cultivation of social interactions based on higher values. These positions often conflict with the status quo of a lower society (positive maladjustment). In other words, to be maladjusted to a low-level society is a positive feature.

    [edit] Level V: Secondary Integration

    The fifth level displays an integrated and harmonious character, but one vastly different from that at the first level. At this highest level, one's behavior is guided by conscious, carefully weighed decisions based on an individualized and chosen hierarchy of personal values. Behavior conforms to this inner standard of how life ought to be lived and, thus, little inner conflict arises.

    Level V is often marked by creative expression. Especially at Level V, problem solving and art represent the highest and noblest features of human life. Art captures the innermost emotional states and is based on a deep empathy and understanding of the subject. Often, human suffering and sacrifice are the subjects of these works. Truly visionary works, works that are unique and novel, are created by people expressing a vision unrestrained by convention. Advances in society, through politics, philosophy and religion, are therefore commonly associated with strong individual creativity or accomplishments.

    [edit] Applications of the theory of positive disintegration

    [edit] Therapy

    The theory of positive disintegration has an extremely broad scope and has implications for many areas. One central application applies to psychological and psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. Dabrowski advocated a comprehensive, multidimensional diagnosis of the person's situation, including symptoms and developmental potentials.

    Symptoms and developmental potentials

    If the disintegration appears to fit into a developmental context, then the person is educated in the theory and encouraged to take a developmental view of his or her situation and experiences. Rather than being eliminated, symptoms are reframed to yield insight and understanding into life and the person's unique situation.

    The importance of narratives

    Dabrowski illustrated his theory through autobiographies of and biographies about those who have experienced positive disintegration. The gifted child, the suicidal teen or the troubled artist is often experiencing the features of TPD, and if they accept and understand the meaning of their intense feelings and crises, they can move ahead, not fall apart. The completion of an extensive autobiography to help the individual gain perspective on his or her past and present is a very important component in the autopsychotherapy process. In this process, the therapist plays a very small role and acts more as an initial stimulus than an ongoing therapist. Dabrowski asked clients to read his books and to see how his ideas may relate to their lives.


    For Dabrowski, the goal of therapy is to eliminate the therapist by providing a context within which a person can understand and help oneself, an approach to therapy that he called autopsychotherapy. The client is encouraged to embark on a journey of self-discovery with an emphasis on looking for the contrast between what is higher versus what is lower within his or her personality and value structure. The person is encouraged to further explore his or her value structure especially as it relates to the rationale and justification of positions. Discrepancies between values and behavior are highlighted. The approach is called autopsychotherapy to emphasize the important role that the individual must play in his or her own therapy process and in the larger process of personality development. The individual must come to see that he or she is in charge of determining or creating his or her own unique personality ideal and value structure. This includes a critical review of social mores and values that have been learned.

    Dabrowski was very concerned about what he called one-sided development, in which people display significant advanced development in only one aspect of life, usually intellectual. He believed that people should ignore their strengths and focus on their weaknesses, thus balancing development.


    Dabrowski also encouraged people to see their reactions (overexcitabilities) and their phenomenological view of the world in the context of their developmental potential. The experience of, and reaction to, crises are a very important aspect of this approach and people are encouraged to experience personal crises with a positive and developmental view.

    Dabrowski reminds clients that without internal disease there is little stimulus for change or growth. Rather than trying to rapidly ameliorate symptoms, this approach encourages individuals to fully experience their feelings and to try to maintain a positive and developmental orientation to what they may perceive as strong depression or anxiety. Of course, this is a unique approach in today's world of seeking immediate and total relief of any unpleasant psychological experience (although it can be compared to Aron's to some extent).

    [edit] Education

    Another primary focus is on education, in particular, over the past 25 years, on the experience of creative and gifted students. Dabrowski hypothesized that these students will disproportionately show strong overexcitability and therefore will be prone to the disintegrative process.

  • prologos

    we hope calmer hearts prevail in the "house of the Lord", but a greater danger is in the field, the assemblies. or when they share in the House to House ministry . It appears cecurity is dicreet* tight and restricted at assemblies. *f&Ds

    as an analogy, there was a greater danger for officers in Vietnam to be "FRAGGED" * by the R&F than for the likes of Pr. Nixon or Pr. Johnson to be done in by the peace protesters.

    similarly, in the wt org. those that implement these directives, or impose their own, that are unscriptural or abusive, --they are at much greater risk, at the mercy or the goodwill of their victims, really.

    * the self-defensive practise by enlisted men to toss or roll the offending officer a live hand - (fragmentation) - grenade to end the abuse.

    do not deprive those that have the right to judge of that privilege.

  • frankiespeakin

    I also say this because in a sense I could imagine what it is like for someone to devote their entire life to the organization and to have his life crushed by being kicked out of bethel, after all these years of kissing the ass of the old governing body. God the persons world would fall apart and no telling what could happen. The man is ruined nothing left to live for the heartlessness of the Governing Body projected on to the person activates his heartlessness instinct and in a moment of evil archetype projection his consciousness is lowered and bam! the warrior is born.

    And I do see the Governing Body becomming that heartless, after all they let thousands of people die each year they enforce the blood ban by disfellowsipping those that do so unrepentantly. So it should be no biggy if they have to kick someone to the curb if it is in the corporations interest/God's Chariot.

    All I'm saying is Governing Body treat these people in bethel like human beings have fellow feeling not the bottom line profitablity of the Corporation let you humanness show through that corporation executive mask(persona) get in touch with yourself and others and stop thinking what is best for the corporation, but what is the best way to treat people in general do like Jesus said "sell your belongings and give gifts of mercy to the poor" especially the poor among you and the flock.

  • frankiespeakin

    Been watching Lions on National Geo on Youtube and noticing how instincts cause reactions in fellow lions and how they all get real touchy and mean when their has just been a good kill and then started thinking about humans and other animals maybe that's what spured this whole thread.

    I'm noticing more and more how when our instincts get going they transfere on to others and it gives me a whole new way of perceiving the world around me.

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