What Are The Chances of Someone "Going Postal" At Bethel?

by frankiespeakin 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hortensia

    I hope not. It's true the gb is playing with fire, and someone may snap one day. But I hope not.

  • frankiespeakin

    Me too I hope they turn into loveable softies who can tone it down a few notches because they are playing with fire and the number of people they effect adversely increases the odds against them it could. I mean simple math says the more people hate you the more you got to worry.

  • Pickler

    This is interesting. I found out TATT much later, years after I was out. Though it messed me up, I've still had a good life.

    Anyway, in spite of that, IM STILL REALLY ANGRY! About a lot of things, like the lies, Malawi, Blood, lack of education etc etc. And yet anyone who looked at my life would say, what have you got to complain about, you turned out OK?

    the thing is. So many my age didn't turn out OK. So many I knew are desperately trying to survive in a world they were taught to be no part of.

    My point is, how much ANGRIER would I be if I'd been at Bethel, lost most of my chances to live a normal life? If I'd never had money, sex, family etc etc? If I was made to feel guilty for masturbating? If I had no career? No privacy even?

    No one should live in an institution. ( well, almost no,one, you know what I mean )

    Bethel sounds like the worst possible kind of pressure cooker environment, I'm surprised it hasn't happened already!

  • frankiespeakin


    Bethel sounds like the worst possible kind of pressure cooker environment, I'm surprised it hasn't happened already!

    That's what I'm thinking they can't keep "raking hot coal into their bossom and not expect to get burned" some bible verse somewhere. The more they tighten their grip over people there at bethel the more chance of a big explosion and these power hungry GB seem like the type that will keep doing it till things final snap I'm afraid to say and that is tradgic.

    I really think these guys on the GB now are more cruel and less sensitive towards others than the GB that was responcible for disfellowshipping Raymond Franz and Dunlap. Maybe they may be in a bit of panic mode themselves and so proceed with very little consciousness of the abuse they are commiting to keep their God delusion in place and the corporation secure.

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