Problemaddict observed, " I can't help but feel it was bad form to call a former poster a liar publicly on your first post "back". Just sayin."
You are entitled your your opinion, PA, and you are entitled to bonus slack because you are relatively new.
One thing I have noticed in my long study of Watchtowerism is that far too often good men said nothing and thereby empowered evil. There were some people, for example, who objected to Russell's taking the title "Pastor." If you play by the Bible rulebook, their objection was sound. But most said nothing, so the "Pastor's" organization grew. Russell was constantly - yes, CONSTANTLY - changing his doctrines when they were proved inaccurate or inconvenient. Most quietly went along with this - it was "new light." After Russell's death a power-hungry sociopath conspired with a few lackies to take over Russell's printing business. LOTS of Bible Students objected and left, but too many didn't care enough to challenge the organization that had given them a title and reverence.
I prefer not to make that mistake. It is not bad form to call a thing what it is, it is honesty. That's what I try to bring to the party.