This is a support forum for ex-JWs.
Belief in demons was one of the most stupid and psychologically damaging of all the risible things we used to believe. Apparently many of us haven't moved on very far yet.
Nobody should apologise for exposing superstition for what it is.
Just because the Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong doesn't mean they're wrong about the existence of God and Satan and his angels. Many of their beliefs concerning eschatolgy are way off, especially concerning Armageddon, the cessation of existence at death and the identity of Jesus as the archangel Michael. All these the Jehovah's Witnesses get wrong, yet each of the above is based on biblical exegesis. Not good exegesis, but exegesis nevertheless. So yes, there will be an actual Armageddon, man does have a spirit and death is a separation of body and spirit, and Jesus was known as Jehovah in premortality, not Michael.
So yes, Virginia, there is a God and there are evil spirits. "Demon" is kind of an esoteric term, and when I hear it, I pretty much know the speaker is a JW. Some of the aforementioned beliefs are silly, but that's to be expected when you don't have actual scholars or theologians formulating your doctrine. And to excommunicate someone for not believing a doctrine is incredible to me. Jesus advocated love, mercy and forgiveness, things lacking in most JW elders based on what I've heard of them.
There will be people who won't believe in God or evil spirits. Not believing in them, or the other JW doctrines (above) will not condemn a person to a neverending Hell where they'll burn forever, nor will anyone be annihilated. But even the most hardened skeptic is likely to spend the night in an old dillapidated asylum or prison, or even spend an hour walking through one at 2 a.m. And if one did, I wouldn't be surprised if he or she left a believer.