I just want to reply point-by-point to the PM that you sent. It is obvious that you still log on here since you sent it to me personally. I realize that you told me to email you with the information you requested, but any reasoning person would be able to ascertain why I am not comfortable giving you my personal email address. That is why I am responding here.
Don't worry, I am not going to violate posting guidelines and paste your PM here. What I will do is respond to the things you have asked of me. As I have nothing to hide, I would like to share what I tell you here instead of responding by PM. I see a need for transparency on this.
You mentioned that you are anxious to get on top of what happened on April 3rd, so that you can make a full apology to all who were affected by the indiscriminate adding of members to the AAWA group - including me.
So you admit that an "indiscriminate adding" of members happened on April 3rd. These apparently were "force added" by AAWA, otherwise you would not have asked me for more information.
You asked me if I would email a summary of what happened, including any exchanges with AAWA volunteers, to your email address at [email protected].
As I have previously stated, I will not respond with my personal email. Also, I do not see why you would want me divulge my personal correspondence with anyone, including AAWA volunteers. It is obvious you know who added me, or could have found out very easily. You are the President. And directly resulting from your own actions, and inactions, I do not trust you.
The way you are handling this reminds me of how Elders would "investigate" situations in congregational matters. You want me to tell you everything I know, and give no feedback on who did it. Well, that is not going to happen. Just let me tell you this, I DO KNOW who added me. If you don't, you are either lazy or incompetent.
Another thing you may not realize, but many of those harmed are friends in real life, and are comparing notes. You are not the only one investigating. We are too. And I must confess, we are a pretty amazing. Loose knit, and very smart. Unlike the self-proclaimed "amazing" AAWA organization.
I also would like to address the blanket insults that you have written about the membership here. You used this site to your own advantage when it suited you. Now you took a major crap in Simon's living room, and on all of the people of JWN. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I want to point out that you said you wanted to apologize to everyone hurt by this. You have had three weeks to do it since April 3rd. Wanting to is not doing it, and you need to apologize to many more people than just those outed. Your security breach has irreparably damaged the cause your group purports to represent. Many that want to leave are going to be much more wary reaching out for help. This may be the biggest tragedy coming out of this vile situation.
You closed that PM by asking if I could give you the opportunity to try to put things right, and that you would appreciate the opportunity.
I really wish I could help you with that, but it is already much too late.
You had that opportunity as soon as you found out that identities MAY have been compromised. The responsible thing would have been to shut down AAWA's Facebook sites UNTIL you did a thorough investigation. This would have mitigated a great deal of damage. Instead you have let this fester for three weeks and counting.
My question to you is WHY? Simon truly was trying to help you when he suggested that. You took that as an attack, which it wasn't meant to be. He had the responsibility when he saw this train wreck coming to warn you. You made your bed, now you must lie in it.
The worst thing that an ex-JW can do is to out another ex-JW. There are no exceptions to that rule!
And my big question to you is, why are you so cavalier about the outing of others? This should have been of paramount importance to you, considering how concerned you are about not being outed yourself. How would you feel if someone attached whatever your real name is to the identity of John Cedars? What do you have to lose? How would you feel?
We already have documented proof that one poster got outed and uninvited to his brother's wedding. He has also had the information forwarded to his elders. This is AAWA's fault by not addressing this in a timely fashion. I blame you as the President of AAWA for allowing this to happen. Frankly I do not think at this late date you can do anything to totally fix this. I would not be able to look at myself in the mirror if I were you.
I am going to ask you to do one thing. TAKE DOWN YOUR FACEBOOK SITES NOW!
Okay, I will also ask one more. Please stop taking advantage of Marvin Shilmer to do your dirty work for you. I believe him to be a decent guy, and I now feel bad for him for the berating he has received from me and others. Please from now on, leave the poor guy alone. I think he is a sincere older gentleman, that just innocently got sucked into your shitstorm. Please speak for yourself from now on. That would be a start in me regaining some level of respect for you.
I appreciate in advance your addressing this immediately.
zed is dead